Example sentences of "connection between the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Other connections between the psychic worlds of individuals and groups and their political relations have been traced out systematically by Guntrip .
2 There could be real connections between the spiritual injunction to glorify God and a quest for knowledge that would not only demonstrate the Creator 's power but also alleviate suffering .
3 In what follows an attempt will be made to set down the main features of polymer viscoelasticity to enable the connections between the phenomenological and the molecular to be stated , where they are known , in preparation for the discussion in Chap .
4 In what follows an attempt will be made to set down the main features of polymer viscoelasticity to enable the connections between the phenomenological and the molecular to be states , where they are known , in preparation for the discussion in Chap .
5 And this outcome is not surprising , since the historical connections between the new reproductive technologies and the cultural dominance of market relations is particularly clear .
6 So far I have written of the individual in relation to his , or her , environment of other people and have pointed to object relationships as the key connections between the inner world of the individual and his outer world .
7 Similar criticisms of these explanations have often been formulated by sociologically-based theories which attempt to reflect the connections between the legal system and the political , cultural and economic systems .
8 The autonomic connections between the enteric and central nervous systems are well known , and the vagus and sympathetic nerves carry more afferent than efferent nerve fibres .
9 Clovis 's campaigns and ruses against other Frankish rulers should perhaps be seen as power struggles within a small kin-group , and therefore as precursors of the civil wars that were to follow , but we know nothing about the connections between the petty kings of the years prior to 511 .
10 The personal and familial connections between the ruling classes of Plantagenet England and Capetian France were conducted , ideally and in practice , in terms of common assumptions shared by a courtly milieu .
11 There are often in fact close connections between the formal and conscious beliefs of a class or other group and the cultural production associated with it : sometimes direct connections with the beliefs , in included manifest content ; often traceable connections to the relations , perspectives and values which the beliefs legitimize or normalize , as in characteristic selections ( emphases and omissions ) of subject ; often , again , analysable connections between belief-systems and artistic forms , or between both and an essentially underlying ‘ position and positioning ’ in the world .
12 Like the latter , Genet inverts and subverts the surface/depth binary , confirming and exploiting the connections between the paradoxical and the perverse , and turning them against the regimes , heterosexual and otherwise , which outlaw the deviant .
13 Until recently , the patchy connections between the national ISDN services meant that international ISDN calls were n't practical .
14 As the latest move in its expansion of Internet access , Kansas City , Missouri-based Sprint Corp has announced connections between the National Science Foundation 's US computer communications network , NFSnet , and scientific research networks in 12 countries .
15 He made the connections between the social and instinctive bases of behaviour we have been demanding .
16 The geometry of a temple 's construction relates to the human body and incorporates the principles of man 's relationship to the universe , thus forming a bridge , a living connection between the cosmic forces and the terrestrial .
17 There is a connection between the modern family and advanced industrial societies , and between extended kinship networks and agricultural societies , or societies which are still in the process of becoming urban and industrial .
18 The connection between the visible and the tangible is conceived by Berkeley as having been set up by God .
19 Thanks to the efforts of the people 's movements , the connection between the environmental clean-up of Rio and western proposals for the clean-up of the planet is becoming a little too clear .
20 What is the connection between the following companies : Amersham International , Associated British Ports , British Airways , British Telecom ?
21 What is the connection between the following MPs : Dennis Skinner , Aneurin Bevan , Patrick McLoughlin , Roy Mason ?
22 Where he was intellectually confused was that he failed to see any close connection between the economic stance of his Government and its industrial problems .
23 At this stage there seemed to be little connection between the vast experience of learning in practice within educational and training systems and learning as conceived by psychologists on the basis of laboratory experiments .
24 So when Esquire ask for their 2,000 words next month about the connection between the Croatian Winter Olympics team uniform and Public Enemy , or the brutal point of Michael Barrymore , I can somehow contrive it that I end up writing about how it feels waiting for Maddy 's first smile , about the wonder of her 35th day , about her growing up and me growing up .
25 The closeness of these links is obviously a matter of degree , since there will always be some connection between the various aspects of a theory ; but a concern with the general problem of holism will inevitably constrain us to see a theory in a particular perspective , and to focus sharply on certain characteristics at the expense of others .
26 ‘ The division of labour within society is mediated through the purchase and sale of the products of different branches of industry , while the connection between the various partial operations in a workshop ( or more generally , in an enterprise — A.C. ) is mediated through the sale of the labour-power of several workers to one capitalist , who employs it as combined labour-power ’ ( Marx , 1976 , pp. 475–6 ) .
27 This is a necessary condition for a reductionist view of the mind but , particularly given the absence of any effective demonstration of a causal connection between the mental and the neural , it is certainly not a sufficient condition .
28 When Charles Temple asked himself what form the finally evolved connection between the conquering races and the conquered , now existing in partially evolved form as Indirect Rule , and based on ‘ the relations which exist between a more competent man and a less competent ’ , might take , he answered that he saw no reason
29 The causal connection between the addictive use and the damaging consequences may be denied .
30 ‘ Are you suggesting there is any connection between the Soviet space shot and what has happened to Titron ? ’
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