Example sentences of "slowly through [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The tube I was in on Wednesday had to go slowly through a deserted and evacuated Victoria Station and one 's heart beats a little fast wondering if something will go off .
2 Overalled figures , wearing goggles , face-masks , helmets or turbans , moved slowly through the sulphurous gloom or crouched over their inscrutable tasks beside furnaces and machines .
3 Brown barges puttered slowly through the turbid water .
4 He sighed regretfully as he picked his way slowly through the tattered refugees camped here and there on the floor , wondering what had become of his Louis XVI table .
5 I stepped carefully over the city wall , which was less than a metre high , and walked slowly through the two main streets .
6 Soon the car was moving slowly through the snowy streets of the town .
7 He watched them moving very slowly through the long , green grass .
8 The cows moved slowly through the long green grass .
9 A figure moved slowly through the uncertain light towards him , as faceless and monumental as Death in an old engraving .
10 Above them , on the screen , the funeral procession moved slowly through the walled northern garden at Tongjiang : the Li family , the seven T'ang , their generals and their chief retainers .
11 Thus NEP as a monetary phenomenon took time to seep slowly through the various levels of society , just as pistoles and écus had competed with the franc in the French provinces after that other great revolution .
12 She walked slowly through the quiet streets , wondering if Dana and Roman would be cosily together in her flat .
13 Moving slowly through the picture-postcard scenery of the Inside Passage is the perfect opportunity to relax and spot eagles , whales and porpoises .
14 Laura walked slowly through the open french windows , out on to the stone terrace .
15 Great A'Tuin the turtle comes , swimming slowly through the interstellar gulf , hydrogen frost on his ponderous limbs , his huge and ancient shell pocked with meteor craters .
16 Athelstan picked up his leather bag , marched out of the tavern , collected Philomel and made his way slowly through the empty streets to London Bridge .
17 Yanto 's mind was busy as he meandered slowly through the leafy lanes towards Purton .
18 I was early and made my way slowly through the deserted canyon of skyscrapers on this hot afternoon .
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