Example sentences of "slowly [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He knew this was something that had been happening slowly for a long time , something that had to happen or he was lost , but it was such a brittle structure they were building , one word would topple it , shatter it , one word would be enough to jerk them back into that ordinary daylight where nothing could be changed or righted , nothing could unravel .
2 If this were so , the strengthening of the various associations generated by the inhibitory conditioning procedure would proceed only slowly for a pre-exposed stimulus and this effect could well outweigh any advantage that the existence of a stimulus-no event association might bestow .
3 The tube I was in on Wednesday had to go slowly through a deserted and evacuated Victoria Station and one 's heart beats a little fast wondering if something will go off .
4 He stood for a moment on the promenade in the same huddled way , and then he made his way slowly towards a green-painted seat and sat slowly down on it .
5 Dying slowly of a broken heart ? ’
6 Along the shore , two and a half miles of golden sands slip slowly into a warm , blue sea where visitors can swim , sail and wind-surf .
7 And Mary as he had first seen her appeared before him again like an apparition as he slid slowly into a long sleep .
8 I had the crowd around me , shuffling slowly into a large ground-skim heading for city centre , but it was n't the same .
9 She turned Florence into the field and stood over the milk pails , stirring them slowly with a hazel stick .
10 If it appears slowly with a few days warning of something being not quite right and the patient gradually sinks into the illness , then the cause is likely to lie several days or even a week earlier .
11 A television camera-man was circling the car slowly with a hand-held camera .
12 Now he is driving slowly along a straight street cut like a slot between the towers .
13 Daru has only been beaten once in six starts this season , when starting slowly in a moderate handicap at Ripon , and he will be a tough nut to crack .
14 Swivel the foot slowly in a circular movement to the right , then to the left .
15 She woke slowly from a vague dream as an errant breeze drifted over her face , coming to rest on her mouth .
16 The camera holding the action switches slowly to a normal , positive picture — more acceptable to viewers now that the impact has been made .
17 Start with a puddle and progress slowly to a small pool and shallow stream .
18 Thinking that was a dig at female priorities , she smiled but said nothing as they chugged slowly to a small jetty .
19 He would count slowly to a hundred .
20 The intense colour of dill when first in flower changes slowly to a rusty brown
21 We observed that you were travelling excessively slowly on a wide road , unimpeded by any other traffic .
22 The cloud was thick and low and moving slowly on a damp , chilling wind , a lidding expanse hiding the sky and the snow on the distant hills .
23 It is , in fact , a supercooled liquid , and if heated , it would soften slowly over a broad temperature range , rather than melting abruptly .
24 It is also necessary not to view policies in a static way ; they have been built up slowly over a long period and they are still changing .
25 If on the other hand , a stress is applied slowly over a longer period the material flows like a viscous liquid so that the spherical shape is soon lost if left to stand for some time .
26 But the power of this strong life-giving vibration is said to wane slowly over a 4.32 million year period , until man even forgets that he is really alive and conscious .
27 She recalled that as a young girl she 'd often sucked slowly at a big lollipop to see how long she could make it last .
28 At one point I felt as if I was drifting slowly across a huge , vivid moviescreen , so large I could n't see its edges .
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