Example sentences of "collect [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The scrap metal was collected during a community cleanup effort — the third since 1989 .
2 He was , in his way , as redundant as the steam engines whose numbers he had avidly collected as a boy in Swindon .
3 In the end he realizes that the only way truly to understand his father is to become him ; he presents the evidence he has collected as a reconstruction of his father 's actions , thought processes , and emotions .
4 STEVE BAINES proudly holds up a medal he won as a player — and one he has collected as a referee .
5 STEVE BAINES proudly holds up a medal he won as a player — and one he has collected as a referee .
6 Money collected as a result can be paid in at branches of the Halifax Building Society and will be given to the Barnardos charity .
7 I 'll mention one small part of it only … evidence collected as a result of the epidemics of 1853 and 1854 by Dr Snow and which concerns the southern districts of London .
8 The drawing of graphs should wherever possible be based on information collected as a result of practical activities ,
9 From 1990 to 1992 , demographic information and serum samples were collected for a study of cardiovascular morbidity from over 8000 persons in five distinct regions of Turkey : Istanbul , a large urban centre in the northwest ; Ayvalik , an Aegean coastal town ; Aydin , a factory city in the southwest ; Trabzon region , rural Black Sea villages in the northeast ; and Adana , a warm southeastern city , with an agricultural-based economy .
10 Data will be collected through a self completed questionnaire distributed to all full and part time employees at a random sample of the Company 's managed pubs and hotels .
11 These are sets of merchandise which can be collected through a series of purchases , e.g. picture cards , chinaware , glassware , etc. , forming part of a set .
12 A small bone assemblage was collected below a nest in a small cave part way up a low cliff in Qatar .
13 Questions and issues arising in the course of the earlier work were collected into a discussion document to be considered by various groups of staff including the senior policy-making body , heads of department , faculty and tutor meetings , and appropriate working parties .
14 For protein extraction , cells were washed five times with ice-cold PBS and collected into a buffer containing 10mM Tris-Cl pH8.0 , 10mM KCl , 1.5mM MgCl 2 , and the protease inhibitors antipain ( 50μgml r-1 ) , aprotinin ( 10μgml r-1 ) , benzamidine ( 310μgml r-1 ) , leupeptin ( 5μgml r-1 ) , pepstatin A ( 5μgml r-1 ) and phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride ( 175μgml r-1 ) .
15 The analysis phase covers conversion of the information collected into a form suitable for computer input , validation , calculation of appropriate statistics , interpretation of these and preparation of a report .
16 Identifying those themes is primarily a lateral or intuitive process — bits of data are collected into a theme .
17 TOF spectra can be collected with a dose of less than 10 -3 ions per surface atom , making the technique relatively non-destructive .
18 Even before this time , the cost of war was beginning to sap enthusiasm for it : loans on wool and in wool , accompanied by embargoes and dubious credit arrangements , were testing the patience and loyalty of more than the merchants who assented to these measures ; purveyances , now being collected with a frequency and ruthlessness to match the 1290s , were provoking deep unrest in wide sections of the community , lay and clerical ; efforts to muster arrays for defence against the Scots and French antagonized the clergy when the requests for support were directed to diocesan , instead of provincial , synods .
19 Data is collected with a view to determining which ‘ kind ’ of pupil ‘ succeeds ’ and which does not .
20 These data do not give the ship 's full performance but are experimental results collected under a variety of real operating conditions .
21 Anybody trying to bring about a major transformation in a science must direct attention to the facts as he sees them : to a herbalist in the tradition of Culpeper it was an important fact that a particular herb was collected under a waxing or a waning moon ; for one of Liebig 's pupils analysing it this was not a relevant fact at all .
22 Apart from this case , traces of HIV had previously been attested in a blood sample collected from a patient in Zaire in 1959 and in an American man who died in 1969 .
23 Historical data can also be collected from a range of other less structured records and diverse kinds of sources , and input by pupils themselves under agreed headings .
24 The responses ( see table ) to an interview on public expenditure cuts were collected from a sample of residents of two wards in Greater Manchester in the winter of 1980–81 .
25 Quite apart from the conceptual fragility of the enterprise , Kane 's work suffers from a problem of method : his evidence for the above assertions was collected from a sample of sportsmen who had already achieved a level of success , in other words the sportsmen he studied had ‘ made it ’ .
26 The principal methods of investigation are court data collected from a sample of court records and observation of affiliation and guardianship of minors hearings .
27 A rented suit will be collected from a hire firm on the day before the wedding so make yourself a checklist which includes , ‘ Put speech notes in jacket pocket .
28 N-grams are legal letter string combinations collected from a dictionary or a corpus of text .
29 She tipped the rice into a pan and put it on the top on a low number and retreated to the living room where Alan was sprawled on the sofa reading the copy of a Sunday newspaper they had collected from a garage shop next to the pub .
30 This study looks at the Housing Benefit review system , drawing on data collected from a number of sources .
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