Example sentences of "imagine what it be " in BNC.

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1 Imagine what it 's like if I say it 's right lip and he 's read it an inch left .
2 Try and imagine what it 's like .
3 Imagine what it 's like ( if you are a Tory ) to be unable to drive down the street without every red or orange poster in every window appearing to leap out and stab you in the heart .
4 Imagine what it 's like to be 45 …
5 Imagine what it is like to sit through a meeting , go to the theatre or try to follow a further education class if it is essential to see the speaker 's face in order to understand what is said .
6 It 's exhausting enough for you ; imagine what it is like for someone who is n't used to your kids .
7 But imagine what it is to live in a country where there is no safety net , just a rubber mat to break your fall , and then even that is pulled out of the way .
8 She could , in a way , imagine what it was like caring for the man before her .
9 The paper is not so much about bats as about the philosophical problem of imagining what it is " like " to be anything that we are not .
10 ‘ I 'VE TRIED to imagine what it 's like to drown .
11 They encourage the children to imagine what it 's like to be a character in the play — one of two twins who are separated in a shipwreck and thrown up on a beach on a strange island .
12 With empathy , we try to imagine what it is like being the other person and experiencing things as he does .
13 It is virtually impossible for a hearing person to imagine what it is like to be born into silence .
14 Indeed , if I were forced to try the impossible , to imagine what it is like to be a bat , I would guess that echolocating , for them , might be rather like seeing for us .
15 As the days passed Creggan got used to Slorne 's silence and grew to like it and he would perch at his stance and think about the land in the South where the two of them came from and try to imagine what it was like .
16 Wearing old-fashioned clothes which help them to imagine what it was like to live in the past , they help with simple tasks like carrying in water or logs for the fire , or helping to measure out and mix the ingredients for oatcakes or Welsh cakes which are then cooked on a griddle on the open fire .
17 You ca n't imagine what it 's like not to know what it is to meet an attractive person who 's also attracted to you , can you ?
18 ‘ Can you imagine what it 's like when it 's really hot out here ? ’
19 But I was a poor , struggling singer — believe me , Jacques , you ca n't imagine what it 's like in this business for a woman on her own .
20 Those who have not experienced this simply can not imagine what it 's like .
21 You ca n't imagine what it 's like to be completely controlled like that by a very strong personality .
22 ‘ I ca n't imagine what it 's going to be like — sitting at home and there 's three of you .
23 Nobody can imagine what it 's like to be me . ’
24 You can imagine what it 's like with a 140 other women all against them .
25 You could imagine what it 's like .
26 Oh you can imagine what it 's gon na be like tonight .
27 I can just imagine what it 's gon na look like in a few years when it gets
28 If there is a publication anywhere in the world better suited to the twelve-year-old-boy mentality , I ca n't imagine what it is .
29 In the example above , so that children might imagine what it is like to be blind , the teacher invites them to deprive themselves temporarily of their sight .
30 Can we imagine what it is like to have two non-overlapping visual fields ?
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