Example sentences of "truth is [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The truth is that despite the siting of the creamery it has probably not been made with local products for some time .
2 The truth is that since 1959 , Labour thinkers like Jenkins , Anthony Crosland , Hattersley and others have put equality at the heart of the modern Labour Party 's philosophy .
3 Contrary to the all too common belief that ageing is essentially an unavoidable process of retreat , of withdrawal into passivity and dependence , the truth is that for most men and women later life is a time of active challenge : a time when perhaps more than ever they need to be able to respond imaginatively to change .
4 The truth is that for the first month of the NME s TDFC offensive he was totally paranoid .
5 The truth is that for a weekly paper in something as effervescent and ethereal as pop , all that we 've done over the last 40 years is not as important as what we do next week .
6 The simple truth is that for the duration of the tours rugby became the political football in the power-broking struggle currently being played out between the various factions in South African politics .
7 The truth is that within the spectrum covered by ‘ meaning theism ’ and ‘ meaning atheism ’ there is no firm boundary marking the point where theism ends and agnosticism begins , or where agnosticism ends and atheism begins .
8 Some basses are a little better than others , but the truth is that by turning up the line level you can make it sound like anything you want .
9 If , however , the truth is that after years of struggling with her uncertain temperament , and your own fading nerves , you have decided to breed rather than face parting with her , then it is not a good idea .
10 perhaps the truth is that in the field of economic policy , Keynes 's preference for a managed economy aligned him with the new Liberals : hence the handsome tribute he paid to J. A. Hobson , in spite of the fact that he regarded him as mistaken .
11 The truth is that in both Near Eastern and Indian religious traditions there is a combination of personal and impersonal imagery in describing God , just as there is a combination of emphasis upon both the transcendence and the immanence of the divine being .
12 The simple truth is that in public buildings , in the streets ( and even in the House of Commons ) , there just are n't enough women 's loos to go around and this begs the equally simple question : why ?
13 The plain truth is that in such a situation , when the defendant was actually walking away from the scene , no further breaches of the peace were likely to be occasioned by him .
14 The truth is that in European affairs it would be difficult to diminish further the power of this Parliament .
15 Perhaps the most honest judicial statement in this area came from Lord Denning : The truth is that in many cases the legislature has left the point open …
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