Example sentences of "associate with [noun pl] in " in BNC.

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1 The numbers of patients and mean random haemoglobin A 1 values with standard deviations are given in table III for those patient , general practitioner , and practice variables significantly associated with differences in glycaemic control .
2 There is no evidence for any polymorphism associated with differences in microhabitat .
3 The investigators can also obtain , from school records , some information about each child 's family circumstances and thus will attempt to confirm what both the Child Health and Education Study and the National Child Development Study data suggested , that differences in test performances are strongly associated with differences in social circumstances .
4 Similarly , difficulties with respect to one of these aspects of language are likely to be associated with difficulties in the other areas .
5 The policy er does n't prevent or does n't seem to prevent er proper development which is associated with settlements in rural areas .
6 The system compares input segments to spectral templates associated with states in the graph .
7 With the European Community continuing to have a major impact on the key corporate tax planning issues associated with operations in mainland Europe , and with the wide divergence of personal tax practices and rules globally , keeping abreast of developments is essential for all practitioners .
8 Systematic risk is associated with movements in the market as a whole , while unsystematic risk is due to events which affect only one or a few assets , not the entire market .
9 However , the weights may soon become out-of-date : in particular , the Laspeyres index will tend to give too much weight to those goods whose relative prices have increased over time since increases in relative prices are usually associated with decreases in quantity demanded .
10 Only the largest banks in the world can afford to employ a team of specialists — lending officers , economists , accountants , engineers , etc. — to assess economic and financial risks associated with projects in LDCs .
11 On engagements associated with financings in foreign jurisdictions it will be necessary to take advice from a partner in the country where the finance is being raised to ensure that the documents are in order and that the local regulatory and filing requirements are being met .
12 By and large , planners were associated with incomers in that they wished to control the way things were done , viz to impose rules where there were none before and to replace the old social norms by fiat instead of the usual agreement between households .
13 No treatment will eliminate the organisms , but some therapies or the natural course of the infection can be associated with improvements in symptoms .
14 Otoscopic and tympanometric improvement are shown to be associated with improvements in mean hearing thresholds .
15 Suppose that there are costs associated with transactions in the foreign exchange markets ( brokers ' fees and so on ) .
16 Better theory can help guide policy makers through the complex web of issues and data associated with cases in regulatory and competition policies .
17 Changes in electrical activity of the brain are associated with changes in the level and content of consciousness : you can tell whether someone is asleep or awake by looking at his electro-encephalogram .
18 The greatest conservation problems , however , are those associated with changes in land use , particularly agriculture , including the drainage of wetlands and loss of heathlands and the increase of urban areas with their attendant rise in population and expanding leisure and tourist industries .
19 The three dotted lines have different elevations and denote differences in relative organ size associated with changes in life style .
20 It has its own associated pattern of atmospheric circulation , named after Sir Gilbert Walker who identified it early in this century ( Figure 3 ) , and it is also associated with changes in the pattern of surface temperature .
21 As ordinary , non-handicapped children develop , the three aspects of language are co-ordinated , to a considerable degree , so that changes in one are associated with changes in the other two .
22 In so doing the newcomers have contributed to the sense of urban encroachment on rural political affairs among farmers and landowners which goes back over a much longer period , and which has been associated with changes in the institutions of political control in the countryside : the gradual decline in the personalized and autocratic power of the locally resident squirearchy and the transfer of public administration to a more formal and impersonal framework of local government since local politics were first placed on a democratic footing in 1888 .
23 We suggest that small head circumference and thinness at birth reflect patterns of fetal growth associated with changes in certain tissues , including blood vessels and the endocrine pancreas .
24 Add to this the quantitative regulation of expression of cell adhesion molecules in response , for example , to inflammatory mediators and associated with changes in cellular differentiation , and we find a complex and highly responsive set of cellular adhesion mechanisms whose role in normal tissue formation and disease is only beginning to be understood .
25 Berry ( 1983 ) found variations in banding frequency associated with changes in geology , but unrelated to crypsls .
26 Arousal , reward and punishment , as I have already suggested in relation to the interpretation of Ungar 's experiments , are associated with changes in the amounts of the opioids and other peptides in the brain and bloodstream ; so injecting the peptides , or drugs which interact with them , will alter behaviour , including the expression of memory .
27 There are at least three reasons why changes in profitability might be associated with changes in private sector investment :
28 Rather than use an arbitrary measure of commission costs ( since these can vary according to the exact size of the deal and the market makers spread ) we have attempted to capture the competitive effects associated with changes in transactions costs by using a measure of turnover on the UK Stock Exchange .
29 In the foregoing sections several features of the results point to the fact that , in the vicinity of T g , rate effects are closely associated with changes in certain thermodynamic properties .
30 Both factors have been shown by several groups to be associated with changes in biliary bile acid composition .
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