Example sentences of "confirm that the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Now , however , it is refusing to confirm that the trials have actually gone ahead , saying only that ‘ It 's taken longer than we anticipated ’ .
2 To confirm that the changes in pin activity were due to changes in the level of a characterized gene product of tomato , we followed changes in steady-state levels of pin 2 messenger RNA by northern analysis .
3 In addition to checking the canopy lock for security , it is essential to push up on the perspex itself to confirm that the hinges or pins are secure .
4 This goes to confirm that the figures shown in Table 11.1 are fairly representative of the industry more generally .
5 ‘ An ’ the bastard even went on to confirm that the bombs are set on time fuses , just sufficient to allow him an' his staff to escape , but not enough to allow them to be de-activated , or to evacuate the ordinary members from the building … an' most of them are just kids . ’
6 Bearing in mind the fact that my constituents want a reliable and quality service , will he take steps today to confirm that the orders that are placed for the new Networker rolling stock will be supplied in the near future , for the betterment of the north-west Kent commuter ?
7 I should be grateful if you would confirm that the changes I have marked are the only ones necessary .
8 Will he further confirm that the consequences of the Scottish National party 's policies would be to deprive many hundreds of people of their employment at Rosyth and on the Clyde while still leaving Scotland at risk from the consequences of a nuclear attack on Barrow or on the north of England ?
9 This letter will confirm that the representations made to you during the preparation of the Memorandum are true to the best of our knowledge and belief and that :
10 But the evidence available confirms that the women most susceptible to maternal morbidity and mortality and who are most likely to experience loss of an infant or a child under age five belong to groups among whom contraception is relatively less frequently practised , i.e. under age 20 and over age 39 ( in some countries , over age 34 ) , with one or no children or many children , a rural resident , and/or with primary school education or less .
11 The European Council confirms that the proceedings of these two conferences [ on EMU and EPU ] should continue in parallel .
12 An agreement announced on Nov. 5 confirmed that the Saudis would have ultimate command of fighting to defend the Kingdom , but that US forces based there could proceed independently in action outside Saudi territory .
13 More recently in Thomas v. University of Bradford [ 1987 ] A.C. 795 , Lord Griffiths ( with whom Lord Bridge of Harwich , Lord Brandon of Oakbrook and Lord Mackay of Clashfern agreed ) confirmed that the courts have no concurrent or appellate jurisdiction in respect of matters referred to a visitor by the special regulations of a university and emphasised the advantages of the visitorial procedure .
14 His great sermons warned of the dangers of being controversial and subjective but confirmed that the movies could greatly increase their emotional power as a story-telling medium by developing a surer sense of society .
15 Can I also say really I agree with Martin when he said erm , and has been saying for at least six months that surely we have more important things to , to talk about than , than this and I 'm sorry for Martin that he had to erm , give in really and put this I was the movement of the amendment in January ninety two erm , which confirmed that the rights of tenants and old occupiers of land in county council ownership to er allow or stop fox hunting over land in their care .
16 It confirmed that the preoccupations of the founders of the experiment in rural reconstruction , started there in the 1920s , remain important for their successors .
17 Repeated trials in patients with bleeding varices confirmed that the complications of medical management were related to recurrent bleeding whereas surgical treatment was followed by liver failure and encephalopathy .
18 Having heard T W Ltd 's further representations seeking extended hours for their haulage operations , the DLA confirmed that the conditions attaching to the licence renewal had been imposed solely to prevent local residents having their sleep disturbed at unsocial hours .
19 Clause 1 reproduced the decision in Morgan and confirmed that the mens rea of rape was intention and recklessness .
20 The all-clear was given three hours later after police confirmed that the fumes were not poisonous .
21 The European Court confirmed that the dispositions of the EC treaty relating to the rights of establishment forbid member states to prevent a person from establishing himself in a state and carrying on the profession of auditor on the grounds that that person is already established and recognised as an auditor in another member state .
22 This debate , as well as a straw poll taken in the morning , confirmed that the reformers , though short of an absolute majority , now have the upper hand .
23 A telephone call to the Grand confirmed that the Swans , who were from the Forest of Arden and thus constituents of Sir Ralph Grunte , had a double room on the first floor .
24 Peter Williams , director of the trust , confirmed that the trustees had met this week but insisted no decision had yet been taken .
25 The conviction was overturned on appeal , subsequently upheld by the Lords , who confirmed that the terms of the Act were limited to " owners and occupiers …
26 This confirmed that the relaxations were neurogenic and mediated by a NANC neurotransmitter .
27 The Vice Chancellor , Sir Donald Nicholls , in granting an adjournment , confirmed that the liquidators have had an exceedingly difficult task .
28 In inside out patches , channel activity increased fivefold during depolarisation , ion substitution experiments confirmed that the channels were highly selective for K , and channel activity was almost abolished by removal of Ca 2 or addition of 5 mM Ba .
29 Goodfellow confirmed that the facts can constitute both reckless and unlawful act manslaughter , but the rules differ .
30 The commission confirmed that the investigators had committed " gross violations of the law " , but shifted the ultimate blame on to the Procuracy for failing to exercise proper supervision .
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