Example sentences of "interested in [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They were much less concerned with the details or wider context of future activities , and much more interested in trying out ideas in practice before moving on to further planning .
2 We shall be particularly interested in discussing how a recipient might come to comprehend the producer 's intended message on a particular occasion , and how the requirements of the particular recipient(s) , in definable circumstances , influence the organisation of the producer 's discourse .
3 Anyone interested in learning more about this scheme should contact us at the address below , or on .
4 ‘ A new approach to advertising potential teachers ’ day had been decided with an application form for ‘ Workshop and In-depth Day of Movement ’ for people interested in learning more about Medau and taking our Teacher Training Course .
5 We were interested in moving on in ministry , wondering if it could be to YWAM 's Nuneaton base where the UK Crossroads course is run , to help in the ministry team there .
6 If you 're seriously trying to arrange a trip I 'd be interested in popping up ( a good excuse to visit my parents in sunny Harrogate ) .
7 and if you 're for instance dealing with a purchaser who 's interested in buying around about December what was the system that you had about saying what the service charges might be ? ,
8 ‘ Who are Farthingdales interested in buying out ?
9 SCOTVEC will be interested in seeing how well such consortia can function , and in disseminating good practice .
10 A copy of the figures are enclosed and it was suggested that perhaps class members and secretaries might be interested in seeing how their subscriptions are spent .
11 Yes , well I do n't particularly limit the area of what I 'm interested , but if someone who was particularly interested in seeing how history was going over in this school , then I 'd be very happy in discussing with them how they might try and find out how successful history teaching was in that school for example .
12 Although ‘ hackers ’ are interested in writing very clever programs or manipulating the machine to do unusual things , they are generally oblivious to any concept ‘ quality ’ in their programs , particularly as judged by another person .
13 I think he was interested in watching once when I was peeing .
14 The Action Team is also interested in breaking down barriers which discourage West Belfast people from working outside the area through work experience , Wider Horizons programmes , etc .
15 He was therefore interested in stepping up controlled deliveries , and for that he needed intelligent , well-motivated CIs who could pose as suppliers .
16 If you are interested in sending out gif 's over the network , be careful about the picture sizes !
17 The development , important to the company 's portability strategy and to developers interested in maintaining only a single application , addresses the multiplication of platforms and graphical user interfaces in the marketplace .
18 Such methods are outside the scope of this book , but those who are interested in reading more about them will find relevant books in Suggested Reading on p. 141 .
19 I have yet to come across a police officer who is not interested in stamping out racism . ’
20 Will those members interested in participating please contact Co-Ordinator Zachary Taylor as soon as possible .
21 The team at NPL would welcome contact with individuals or groups interested in participating in or contributing to the work .
22 Palace are themselves interested in splashing out £2 million on Wimbledon 's Terry Phelan .
23 Business units can make up their own minds about the implications of economic factors on their own operations ; the corporate planning departments are more interested in determining how vulnerable each business unit is to different economic environments .
24 Those interested in seeking out something special , however , will find this flat-topped and apparently featureless headland — one of many within South Pembrokeshire 's Castlemartin artillery range — plays host to several of the finest climbs and some of the very best rock to be found in the area .
25 Of course she had heard of him — it was impossible for anyone interested in sailing not to know who he was .
26 My hon. Friend is right to say that the local income tax is not an alternative to council tax which commends itself to Conservative Members — or even to most Opposition Members , and he is right to say that anybody interested in knowing why local income tax will not work could do no better than to read the report of our proceedings in Committee .
27 And even looking at the figures we get now , I mean others here will take a great deal of interest , one 's interested in knowing where you 're going and what 's , you 're looking at those figures yourself anyway .
28 The reason I ask is that I would be interested in knowing where Leeds are in the attendance league .
29 what I was interested in knowing in was for example whether he 's got his chamber orchestra repeated their same concert five or six times in different cities
30 To anyone interested in knowing more about this region , I strongly recommend the book Poisoned Reign by Bengt and Marie-There ’ se Danielsson ( published by Penguin ) .
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