Example sentences of "once we [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is , of course , quite obvious once we stop to think about it that the important difference between those that produced the cold and those that did not is that one group was susceptible to it whilst the other one was not .
2 It has been suggested that , once we had accepted stage two , there would be intense and irresistible pressure to move to stage three .
3 And then , once we had met , all you had to do was arrive at my home , exclaiming , ‘ Surprise , surprise ! ’ and use your little lever to gain entry into my family . ’
4 Once we had begun to look at particular steps in the biochemical cascade in more detail , however , I became persuaded that reasonably specific inhibitors might help cast light on relevant mechanisms .
5 I also noticed how Corin and Alleyn , once we had reached Royston , switched their allegiance to him .
6 Once we had landed in Moscow to change planes , it all started to become sub-normal , and then sub-real , and finally sub-human , a straightforward descent into common or garden madness .
7 As for me , once we had turned right round and were headed west again , I began to feel my worries were nearly over .
8 Once we had achieved this magnificent piece of organizational decision making we looked to see if , in true Teesside Polytechnic student style , we could gain anything form it financially !
9 Once we had solved the thickness problem , it became a commercial possibility , ’ says Dr Jones , ‘ and Mars — the people who make the chocolate bars — became interested .
10 We were in a perfect position to attack the mountain from its north side once we had dropped down and crossed the river .
11 Just how we were to get out and home once we had arrived there was a problem we still refused to think about .
12 We were always the guests of some local parish priest , and our outings were great fun as we were allowed to run more or less wild once we had arrived .
13 Once we had got them down , we found that one could scarcely stand up .
14 We found in the interviews that once we had got beyond some version of this public model of management , managers attempted to humanize this by drawing on metaphors from their own experience and inner resources .
15 Once we had got our jobs for the morning we set about then eagerly as everything had to be perfect right down to the last detail .
16 There a lady showed us to our seats , once we had got comfortable we were shown a safety routine by the stewardesses .
17 Once we had identified the high risk element on our customer base , we placed certain customers onto a monitoring service for daily surveillance of change information .
18 Once we had sat together in that ‘ condemned ’ gallery until evening , and the sacristan , not knowing we were there , had nearly locked us in for the night .
19 Having been at the game with magi , once we had finished the joyous celebrations ( The following christmas : - ) ) we were talking about the killer goal from strach .
20 Once we had finished our efforts and long before the paint was dry , I wheeled the barrow triumphantly off towards the market .
21 The outlet into the Meloch was obvious once we had slashed down a bit of undergrowth , and so was the confluence with the Dee , but where , under the sizeable area euphemistically called the drive , was the tunnel ?
22 Once we had passed Câmara de Lobos , all the roads were cobbled .
23 Once we had worked together to help him regain his faith , he was able to go on to play just as well as he had done before ; indeed , now that he had remembered the feeling of success , he was able to play even better .
24 Once we had to switch the Citroën 's self-levelling suspension to ‘ high ’ to increase ground clearance through a ford .
25 Once we try to lift the imagination away from the idea of God as a person ( another unfortunate implication of the old man on a cloud motif ) into another form of personality , we encounter a number of interesting arguments .
26 One advantage of siting the body clock in the SCN becomes apparent once we try to understand how time-cues might affect it .
27 But once we try to operate outside of that place , and we try to do somebody else 's job , we try to fulfil somebody else 's function , then we are in trouble !
28 Everyone was so encouraged , once we 'd done one part and realised how good it looked .
29 Well , after the er publishers had approached me and , and asked me if I would be interested in doing this book er the next thing to do was actually get hold of all the Ordinance Survey maps for Oxfordshire , er you know , quite a big county , so er once we 'd done that er the next thing to do was to actually just work out exactly where we wanted the walks to be , and they 've obviously , for commercial reasons they 've got to be fairly evenly spread throughout the county , but you can tell quite quickly and quite easily by looking at an Ordinance Survey map , you know , where all the paths are , they 're all clearly marked , er public footpaths , public bridleways , that sort of thing , and the next step was to actually create from the maps , circular walks to fit in with the requirement .
30 ‘ Well , Colin was a terrific help once we 'd thrashed out a few problems , ’ she said modestly .
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