Example sentences of "past two [noun] have " in BNC.

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1 The histories of Nicaragua and Mozambique over the past two decades have similarities .
2 First , and of most immediate relevance as far as the tax-protest movement is concerned , the past two decades have witnessed a remarkable change in the nature of political dissent which has increasingly assumed unconstitutional and , on occasions , violent forms .
3 It is important that the purpose of this criticism should not be misunderstood ; the theoretical and experimental contributions that the Aplysia group have made to the cellular study of memory over the past two decades have been substantial , but the very intellectual certainty of the group and the charisma of its leader have tended to suppress some of its problems and sideline those who have articulated them .
4 Cell fusion and genetic research at Oxford over the past two decades have shown that malignancy and the ability of tumours to spread and kill an animal can be suppressed by the function of normal cellular genes .
5 The past two years have only seen the start of the process , and in terms of M4 the process has not been started at all .
6 But perestroika came late to the Soviet Academy of Sciences , and the reforms introduced over the past two years have yet to take effect .
7 Major deals over the past two years have included leasing for the new ethylene cracker ( a type of refinery ) for BP at Grangemouth , at that time thought to be the largest leasing deal in Britain , a £180m long-term facility to North West Water to finance major infrastructure projects , and a £75m deal with Fujitsu Microelectronics to fund investment in semiconductor equipment at its factory at Newton Aycliffe , County Durham .
8 In France and Spain , for instance , several secondary issues in the past two years have included a 25% international tranche sold through book-building .
9 The low oil prices experienced over the past two years have reduced the profitability of our industry .
10 In 1991 the Government launched Opportunity 2000 in an attempt to encourage industry and commerce to take the issue seriously and the past two years have seen two of Britain 's top 15 companies — BTR and Sainsbury — appoint female finance directors .
11 The past two years have shown me that getting people ‘ turned on ’ to quality is a huge challenge .
12 ‘ Traditional sources of funding are drying up and the events of the past two years have further undermined the capacity of airlines to finance new aircraft on their own balance sheets .
13 That is precisely where we have been , which is why so many of the decisions reached in the past two days have been on British initiatives that have been accepted across the whole of Europe .
14 ‘ Figures over the past two months have been suspiciously strong , unbelievably strong .
15 They should be specific about events and topics : instead of asking , " How often have you been off work ? " , ask , " How many times in the past two months have you been off work ? "
16 His form and his work rate over the past two months have been sparkling .
17 The past two seasons have discouraged many from booking early , or from booking at all .
18 ‘ The past two weeks have been pretty scary .
19 The past two centuries have seen the gradual evolution of separate educational establishments catering from their time of inception for identifiable disabilities and categories of handicap ( Warnock Report 1978 ) .
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