Example sentences of "regale [pers pn] with [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thiercelin and Lefevre found themselves received at their billet with almost embarrassing cordiality , the householder , Herr Bauer , and his wife insisting upon catering for their every need , whilst regaling them with complaints of Hapsburg perfidy and the brutality of their Russian allies .
2 A drink was thrust into her hand and within five minutes she was being passed from group to group as though she were the prize exhibit ; asked numerous questions she did n't know how to or have time to answer ; told endless tales of this person or that person ; until eventually , somewhat bewildered , she ended up in the bar with someone called Patrick who began regaling her with tales of old Ireland .
3 I 'm sure it wo n't be long before she is on the most popular chat shows , telling us of commissions she has undertaken and regaling us with tales of her life when she was actress Delia Abraham , co-starring in the TV version of Nell Dunn 's Up The Junction , and appearing in rep alongside Kate O'Mara .
4 Within two weeks we were encouraging our readers to lobby their MPs concerning the restrictive Night Assemblies Bill , Robert Tripp was regaling us with tales of groupies and interviews had taken on a new air of contention , seriousness and madness .
5 He could n't care less that very few viewers take his programme seriously , regaling us with tales of the terrible people they 've featured .
6 Sometimes , when drunk , he would regale me with stories of his footballing prowess , but such stories went past me like galley smoke because I could not bring myself to enquire , nor indeed to care , about the differences between a Tight End and a flea-flicker .
7 Later , over a dram , Cam would regale me with tales of female conquests. ‘ did I ever tell you about wee Sheila ? ’ he 'd say , licking his lips .
8 As we drove back to Sligo Town , good Father Devine regaled me with stories of Ireland 's literary giants .
9 He accompanied his trainees on lunchtime booze-ups in the local pub where he regaled them with stories of his hectic social life .
10 She dragged herself back to reality , and began joining in the conversation , listening with amusement while Simone regaled them with stories of some of their customers — fat women with strange tastes in colour , young girls with more money than sense .
11 Over a lavish Christmas dinner which Katherine thought must have taken Cook weeks to prepare , Violette regaled them with tales of bizarre exploits .
12 As soon as Ellie was seated , she began to rib her gently about her life in England , about how sorry she felt for her living in such a confusing place ; regaled her with insights on the local population , and the arrangements being made for the wedding , which was to be held here in the Hall .
13 His grandfather , who taught him songs and ballads and regaled him with tales of his own ‘ merry ’ youth when he fought with gamekeepers , clearly saw the young poacher as a chip off the old block .
14 He insisted we join him for dinner where he regaled us with tidbits of gossip from the court and city .
15 Joan had regaled her with details of the Twelfth Night festivities — whilst remaining noticeably reticent on the subject of Prince Edward .
16 YOUR correspondent Mrs Kalinowsky ( April 5 ) is perhaps thinking of Gillie Potter , who used to regale us with accounts of the goings-on at Hogsnorton .
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