Example sentences of "busy [pn reflx] [prep] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The male busies himself with placing the eggs in a nest , and when this is complete , the ritual can begin again .
2 Whilst the signaller busied himself with decoding the latest message from on high , the Troop Commander 's mind raced back over a fairly hectic three weeks , Which had taken the troop from Hameln ( of Pied Piper fame ) , the regiment 's home base on the River Weser , eastwards to the River Leine and north the River Aller , before swinging north-west to the mouth of the Weser in the Bremerhaven area .
3 Aileen Gillies was all brisk agreement as she wrapped up some food in a cloth and gave it to them while her husband busied himself with laying the fire .
4 Lord Joseph has been interested in the causes of poverty for a long time : as a young man he joined the Howard League for Penal Reform as well as a Quaker group which busied itself about improving the social conditions of the poor .
5 She busied herself with retrieving the carrier of wet clothes from the seat behind , desperate to end this short-lived but uniquely humiliating experience and yet finding that to end it here , like this , would be the final humiliation of all .
6 So she ignored the insistent call , busied herself with finding the key to the door .
7 He dropped to his knees , busying himself with adjusting the drop of the trousers from Tzann 's inside leg and fighting the irrational and childish desire to jab a pin into his testicles .
8 She turned away from his probing eyes , busying herself by filling the kettle at the sink .
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