Example sentences of "push [prep] the back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A plate pushed to the back of the table bore the remains of the Irishman 's breakfast : little curls of bacon rind , stains of yellow yolk and the lacy brown edges of eggs fried to a crisp in the pan .
2 On the floor below his suits , pushed to the back of the hanging space , I found his briefcase .
3 It was in early February that such preoccupations were abruptly , if not dispelled , at least pushed to the back of his mind , by the arrival of a messenger from the Black Knight of Liddesdale .
4 She was wearing a slack blue dress and a straw hat pushed to the back of her head .
5 The shock of hearing Dana say she was jealous would have to be pushed to the back of her mind for now .
6 Myra and Dreams had been pushed to the back of her mind .
7 He was awaiting us , a small skull cap pushed to the back of his black , oily hair .
8 Donkeys , too , and because it was hot , with only the faintest breeze , many of the men had their wide-brimmed hats pushed to the backs of their heads , held there by the leather thongs that were really chin straps .
9 He clasped his hands as the tears pushed at the back of his eyes .
10 Shelley went in to speak quietly to her patients , trying to push to the back of her mind the knowledge that she might have left the drug cupboard open in her anxiety yesterday .
11 Ryker pushed against the back of a man trying to get through and got an angry glare for his pains .
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