Example sentences of "relate to [art] level of " in BNC.

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1 The exact interpretation is not simple , however , since the previous mandatory scale referred to minimum fees and there is only limited evidence relating to the level of mark-up which existed above these .
2 Is the Minister aware that many people in London are deeply disturbed by the increasing incidence of asthma among children , but that the Minister for Health has been unable to give figures relating to the level of asthma suffering in London as a result of air pollution , which is caused mainly by vehicles ?
3 ( 4 ) In the case of an offer which , if accepted in full , would result in the offeror holding shares carrying over 50 per cent of the target 's voting rights , the condition relating to the level of acceptances required ( " the acceptance condition " ) may be set above the minimum required by Rule 10 ( which is over 50 per cent of the target 's voting rights ) .
4 Profit margins , however , are related to the level of demand for building work as well as fee competition .
5 In France , HLCAs and capital grants are related to the level of handicap ; only a crude distinction is made in the UK .
6 He concluded : ‘ the cardinal rule of library stock control is that both the loan period and the duplication policy should be related to the level of demand for the title and to each other . ’
7 Such rationing is determined partly by the rank or importance of companies and is related to the level of deposits that they keep with the bank .
8 Income will start to rise as a result of this additional spending , but leakages will rise also because taxation , saving , and imports are all related to the level of national income .
9 We have argued earlier that the value of imports is related to the level of national income in the domestic economy and that the value of exports is related to aggregate demand abroad .
10 Again , we would expect its level of use to be inversely related to the level of union organisation in an establishment .
11 However as Levi points out , different official agencies use these powers in a manner which is related to the level of tolerance they expect from the media and politicians .
12 Thus , for example , several international airports have set up a system of charges related to the level of aircraft noise , with the funds raised being used to finance the insulation of nearby homes .
13 The employment status , income , lifestyle and leisure activities of household members are related to the level of physical disability of elderly persons in the household through an analysis of the General Household Survey for 1980 .
14 Dr Ward suggests instead that canal construction was more generally related to the level of economic activity , slackening with the economy for example from the mid 1770s to 1782 .
15 In other words , errors in predicting the rate of inflation were made up of two component parts : a random stochastic component which is , of its very nature , unpredictable ; and a systematic component , , which is related to the level of aggregate demand as reflected in the unemployment rate .
16 We also talked about the new settlement being self-contained and integrated , but came I think to a consensus around the table that the level of employment provision in the new settlement should be related to the level of employment supply in the new settlement as opposed to a level of employment which would satisfy employment needs
17 Hair analysis : ‘ The concept of allergic symptoms being related to the levels of metal which are commonly found in hair samples is entirely speculative .
18 But what is not wanted is a housing estate , but the employment that is related to , not Greater York 's employment but the employment related to the level of development in the settlement .
19 The first relates to the level of demand for the products produced .
20 The term skin relates to the level of permeability around the productive wellbore region .
21 Important management decisions relate to the levels of priority accorded to different groups for accommodation .
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