Example sentences of "couple [prep] hours [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It was not easy to forecast during his first couple of hours that he would be Man of the Match which ultimately was well-deserved .
2 After all , we have a good couple of hours before we have to go back . ’
3 It was a couple of hours before I could get back to Eleanor Darcy .
4 so will there be a game and if so where and shall i pack my football shoes in my luggage — im leaving home ( over here in even colder ( -5 C ) norway ) ) in just a couple of hours so it would have been nice to know .
5 erm er and it involves going to the lab and sitting around for about a couple of hours while they feed you a bit of sugar and then take some blood tests every half hour .
6 If I ca n't look after my own son for a couple of hours while you go shopping , heaven help us . ’
7 I 'll buy a guide book , go see some stuff , kill a couple of hours while you go plop yourself down somewhere cool and shady and have a beer or whatever this season 's trendy drink is , and then we 'll meet at six o'clock or so , ride back to the palace together , and tell Anna we had an absolutely smashing day . ’
8 Why do n't you go and have a sleep for a couple of hours while I keep an eye on Chris ? ’
9 People only see the good-for-nothing sons who hang around bars getting into fights and pushing drugs ; they do n't see the real shepherd , the man who spends almost all of his life alone , spends his days making the cheeses they take for granted and his nights sleeping sometimes only for a couple of hours because it 's lambing time . ’
10 And stats do take a bit of time to do and you can write off a couple of hours if you 're going to do it properly and make sure that you 've got your i's dotted and your t's crossed . ’
11 Anthony left instructions that you could get up for a couple of hours if you felt up to it .
12 Sir David continues to ask me every couple of hours if I 've done it yet . ’
13 I followed tyre-tracks north for a couple of hours until they fizzled out .
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