Example sentences of "stop short [prep] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A CHURCH conference on AIDS in the Highlands yesterday stopped short of approving Highland Health Board 's AIDS prevention campaign , which focuses on safer sexual practices for those at risk .
2 She stopped short of giving market forces a free rein , confirming that regional health authorities would stay — in slimmed-down form — to maintain strategic oversight .
3 Government documents released under the 10-year rule threw new light on Sir Anthony Eden 's handling of the Suez crisis in 1956 , but stopped short of confirming collusion between Britain , France and Israel in the affair .
4 Sir Anthony stopped short of blaming BR or the Government for creating the climate but added : ‘ There must be a better way of doing things . ’
5 Scotland have offered some assistance in the Canadians ' injury crisis , physiotherapist Colin Elliot will be available to them , but it seems the Canadians stopped short of asking Scotland whether they could borrow their spare player — Stark — for the Fiji tournament , for which Canadian captain Julian Loveday has joined David Lougheed as an invalid .
6 Both stop short of demanding censorship , though Mary Whitehouse is characteristically less tentative .
7 Although its plans stop short of adopting DCE outright , or even endorsing a third-party offering based upon the stuff , SunSoft will define a networking strategy for its Solaris Unix SVR4 operating system , which will include the ability to ‘ plug-in ’ DCE components , according to Ed Zander , president of the software unit .
8 The Tories have stopped short of making trade union membership illegal but is it legal to punish trade union members financially through selective redundancies , and as collective agreements are cancelled through offering inferior individual contracts and withholding pay rises ?
9 Ambulance crews were able to give them fluids but doctors had to stop short of giving blood .
10 The SNH report stops short of recommending legislation to guarantee the right to roam .
11 He stops short of hoping Grobbelaar makes one of his increasingly frequent mistakes tomorrow , but Knight is professional enough to know that a team has to take advantage of any breaks that come their way .
12 It urges manufacturers to label sugar on foods but stops short of demanding legislation .
13 In the end , the compromise reached stops short of making nursery places a universal entitlement but does acknowledge the changing role of mothers in the labour market .
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