Example sentences of "kind of order [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Chairmaster , grave , imposing , and bald as a biscuit , apart from the red wig , adhering by a miracle to his left ear , was attempting to give some kind of order to the proceedings .
2 It is a way of bringing some kind of order to the many diverse things which the scriptures could be said to be about .
3 The " smaller " systems of hypernumbers introduced were put into some kind of order by the American B Peirce in a paper published posthumously in 1881 .
4 This reader did not know whether to be more depressed by the carefully presented statistics , or the faint praise offered to bus managements for their efforts to rescue some kind of order from a rising tide of chaos .
5 Still clinging to the maxim that work , particularly physical labour , could eclipse mental turmoil , she had gone out , determined to wrest some kind of order from the chaos of neglect .
6 We can see this kind of order from the way Portia sticks to the command made by her father although he is dead .
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