Example sentences of "study [prep] the use of " in BNC.

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1 Later Florey collaborated with Paul Fildes in an experimental study of the use of curare to relieve the intractable muscular spasms which occur in filly developed infection with tetanus or lockjaw .
2 The Anglo-German study of microelectronics in manufacturing ( Sorge et al. 1983 ) was a study of the use of CNC machine tools in the engineering industries of the two countries , and it showed the extreme flexibility of CNC technology .
3 In Grieco 's study of the use of kin networks to gain employment for example , one of her female respondents , a worker in a tobacco factory in Basildon , told her ,
4 Smith and Frawley 's ( 1983 ) study of the use of conjunction in different genres of English suggests that some genres are generally ‘ more conjunctive ’ than others and that each genre has its own preferences for certain types of conjunction .
5 Editor , — In response to Angela Coulter and colleagues ' study of the use of diagnostic dilatation and curettage Jane Weston and colleagues advocate that the procedure should be performed at the time of routine sterilisation procedures ‘ to exclude early pregnancy . ’
6 A recent study of the use of a printed PRECIS ( PREserved Context Indexing System ) index for subject searching reveals that searchers who adopted a broad search formulation strategy where more successful than those who took an exact matching approach in accessing the index .
7 A collaborative study of the use of the child 's best interests
8 In a study of the use of British Rail for long journeys , a random sample of households is selected and each member is asked to list all railway journeys over 40 miles taken in the last 12 months .
9 Explain fully how you would plan a study of the use of leisure recreational reading ( i.e. not directly required by courses of study ) among students of a college of higher education .
10 His career and mine have followed a similar course : he and I both followed ‘ Syllabus B ’ , and both ended up taking a deep interest in stylistics , the study of the use of language in literature .
11 Lothian SWD is to join forces with the education department , health board and police to commission a five-month research study into the use of drugs .
12 In addition to the methods mentioned above , which were used specifically to evaluate the undergraduate information retrieval course , an attempt was made to carry out a long-term study on the use of the library with regard to reasons for use , materials used , success in carrying out literature searches etc .
13 As with ESVEM , none of the previous studies of the use of ambulatory monitoring has dealt exclusively with cardiac arrest survivors .
14 Studies in the use of Q-analysis in human geography
15 These evaluation studies on the use of various media have been directed towards the educational process involved in a specific learning/ teaching situation .
16 The lack of satisfactory studies on the use of activated charcoal in reducing drug absorption in poisoned patients is largely because the task is so difficult .
17 There has been a wealth of studies on the use of the traditional catalogue , over 50 in as many years , yet in spite of the evidence it would appear that little is really known about the users for whom it was intended .
18 In this article we report studies on the use of a disulphated derivative of PABA-UDCA for the detection of intestinal bacteria .
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