Example sentences of "far better [noun] than [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Is he aware that the best of British companies , such as ICI and Pilkingtons , which already provide their employees with far better conditions than anything that is in the social charter , are increasingly concerned about unfair competition from their sweatshop competitors ?
2 As a far better man than anyone in this House once said , ’ facts are chiels that winna ding ’ , even for Tory Ministers .
3 A far better policeman than you .
4 It is in far better shape than its main state-owned rival , Crédit Lyonnais , which has lent recklessly to film moguls and on property .
5 It was as though everyone had dashed off on a far bigger , far better story than they had covered in their lives .
6 Magnus has a far better time than I do .
7 They came up with a far better deal than I could have got on my own . ’
8 If Sid chose to hang on , he could now sell his shares for around 85% more than he paid — a far better deal than he would have got buying the market as a whole .
9 She 'll be a far better mother than you 're capable of being . ’
10 ‘ She 'll make a far , far better mother than you ever could . ’
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