Example sentences of "keep a close eye [prep] " in BNC.

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31 However , he would have to keep a close eye on our movements from now on , never allowing both of us to disappear from his sight for any length of time .
32 Now that services are altogether more fragmented , it is very much more difficult for managers to keep a close eye on what is happening .
33 Sam was going to a tutorial college , where the staff tended to keep a close eye on their pupils , being moderately well paid to do so , while Camille was still at a local comprehensive where the teachers no longer cared much about anything .
34 However , it is important to keep a close eye on your skin to see if any moles change in size or shape , in which case you should seek medical advice .
35 Farmers will have to keep a close eye on their security from now on .
36 In a minute dated 30 August , 1985 , Mr Collins wrote : ‘ We need to keep a close eye on this project … it could be used to support Exocet missiles . ’
37 Many employers keep a close eye on absence levels .
38 She will slow her pace down for them and keep a close eye on them as they amble along near her , but she will not let them get too far away from the home base .
39 Keep a close eye on wild fish , as they tend to be more aggressive than their tank-bred counterparts .
40 I always keep a close eye on the water quality with test kits .
41 Both have had a strong hedging and speculative demand due to the volatility of short interest rates , and they are connected by the fact that the authorities in the UK , as well as the market participants , keep a close eye on the differential between short rates in the two countries .
42 ANY golfer will tell you that you stand little chance of winning unless you keep a close eye on the scorecard .
43 Well with our rarest birds , and certainly ospreys and red kites are extremely rare with fifty to sixty pairs of each , we keep a close eye on them , some of the more vulnerable nests are actually watched twenty-four hours of the day , others are monitored regularly to make sure they 're progressing well .
44 Morgan , held big equity stakes in companies , had seats on the board and kept a close eye on management .
45 There were not so many lights and Endill kept a close eye on the Headmaster in case he became lost in the darkness .
46 Inside the government , he kept a close eye on the development of policy and frequently intervened to prod ministers in desired directions .
47 ‘ Our officers separated the two groups and kept a close eye on what was going on , ’ said the spokesman .
48 The aristocracy has kept a tight grip on ‘ the sport of kings ’ and the British royal family have kept a close eye on the Turf — the present Queen is a fine judge of a horse .
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