Example sentences of "keep a close watch [prep] " in BNC.

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1 An FA spokesman added : ‘ We are keeping a close watch on the situation .
2 The first is by keeping a close watch on the powers that are granted to the executive …
3 ‘ From the beginning , we have been aware that the security forces have been keeping a close watch on our activities , ’ said Mr Bautista .
4 He may need to be able to use apparatus , and generally speaking science teachers are accustomed to explaining necessary points about its use and keeping a close watch on safety .
5 The authority is keeping a close watch on it with samples every day .
6 Besides , the police are keeping a close watch on her .
7 And the big clubs are keeping a close watch on how Francis , who is still only 24 , performs over the next few weeks .
8 Gardai confirmed they are keeping a close watch on the Atlantic outpost and keeping regular surveillance to prevent any breach of the peace .
9 Neurosurgeons have successfully moved a blood clot from her brain and are keeping a close watch on her .
10 Emergency planners are keeping a close watch on the forecasts in case they have to roll into action .
11 Obviously we 'll keep a close watch on progress .
12 You should keep a close watch on a new dog in particular in these surroundings , because often they may try to escape from the garden , and go wandering .
13 You should keep a close watch on yourself , to make sure that you do not stray from the clear and concise presentation of your facts and opinions .
14 ‘ I think it 's just a bad cold , my dear ; but in this climate and with all the infections flying about , I 'll keep a close watch on you , ’ he said calmly .
15 ( c ) following an approach to the board of the target company , which may or may not lead to an offer , the primary responsibility lies with the board of the target , which must accordingly keep a close watch on its share price .
16 The Committee had been unable to decide how successful school feeding would be , but suggested that local authorities should keep a close watch upon voluntary experiments .
17 ‘ I shall write to director general John Birt to suggest he keeps a closer watch on how public money is being spent . ’
18 They tend , however , to keep a closer watch on discharges which are potentially highly polluting or large in volume .
19 Not content even with this level of political castration , Mr Suharto has instructed the security forces to keep a close watch on what is said in mosques .
20 Full use of a diary system is essential to keep a close watch on the progress of each claim .
21 The offeror is obliged to keep a close watch on the target 's share price for any signs of untoward movement ;
22 The police are also urging farmers to keep a close watch on their barns until the aronsonists are caught .
23 As a result , Warrington Borough Council has agreed to spend £3,100 on safety work and has asked the police to keep a close watch on the area .
24 As a result , Warrington Borough Council has agreed to spend £3,100 on safety work and has asked police to keep a close watch on the area .
25 Our embassies in all the countries of Central America keep a close watch on developments throughout the region , especially the progress of the peace process .
26 I told her how Aisha kept a close watch on what I ate and drank and how I had to take care of the house and children to pay for my board and lodging .
27 He kept a close watch on friends he had left behind in Middleton , especially Dave Fielding who was enjoying a fair degree of success with The Chameleons .
28 Coetzee and his men kept a close watch on Mxenge 's office .
29 And the Committee has kept a close watch on the uses made by the broadcasters of parliamentary material in their programmes .
30 Chapman had kept a close watch on Speirs ' feud with Bradford City , and moved in just at the right moment .
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