Example sentences of "his arms [coord] kiss [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We are ! ’ repeated Mr Rochester , taking me in his arms and kissing me .
2 He took her in his arms and kissed her .
3 They stopped laughing ; then Edouard leaned forward , gathered her in his arms and kissed her .
4 She nodded and he pulled her into his arms and kissed her , then waved his finger in her face and said : ‘ And no drinking whisky ! ’
5 That night , after she had confided in Tom and begun to cry , he had comforted her , held her in his arms and kissed her .
6 Nick took her in his arms and kissed her but , when his lips parted and she could taste his mouth , she drew back .
7 He was standing by the bushes near to where the gates had once been , and he took her in his arms and kissed her passionately .
8 He came through the door , and he was laughing , he took Rosalba in his arms and kissed her and they went down on to the sheepskin with soft cooing giggles and sucked and licked and flowed together in the nest like a mother cat and her kittens .
9 For five whole minutes he held her in his arms and kissed her again and again .
10 Roman pulled Claudia into his arms and kissed her deeply , taking her by surprise .
11 To a slow hand-clap , he slowly removed his mask and then hers , took her gently in his arms and kissed her tenderly .
12 When he broke off in the middle of the sentence , she glanced up at him curiously and was completely taken by surprise when he pulled her into his arms and kissed her .
13 Had not Sophia been standing on the front steps of the vicarage calling Faustina in , he would have taken Penelope in his arms and kissed her .
14 He held his daughter in his arms and kissed her .
15 He took Juliet in his arms and kissed her .
16 She stepped into his arms and kissed him .
17 Would he take Doreen in his arms and kiss her as he 'd kissed her , Lucy ?
18 She frowned at him , tossing the hair back from her flushed cheeks , wishing he would take her in his arms and kiss her again instead of making cryptic comments that taxed her stunned powers of comprehension .
19 Her eyes swept across his face , and suddenly she had the almost overwhelming desire to tell him that it was n't important at all , that she was , inside , what he 'd called a real woman , one who wanted a home and children to fill it , and most of all a husband , a man who would take her in his arms and kiss her until nothing mattered except him , kiss her as Nicolo had , make her want him as she 'd wanted Nicolo …
20 Only in the evenings did I spend some time with Mr Rochester , and I was careful not to allow him to hold me in his arms or kiss me .
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