Example sentences of "this can [adv] [be] avoided " in BNC.

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1 Often this can not be avoided where odours emanate from existing premises and uses , but where new development is concerned planning authorities are in the unique position of being able to prevent odour pollution .
2 Modern warfare and the modern economy , for example , require increasingly higher levels of technology and this can not be avoided if any state wishes to participate , or if threatened , survive in the contemporary world .
3 This can largely be avoided by careful handling , and many connoisseurs believe that a slight structural asymmetry adds to the rug 's overall character .
4 This can easily be avoided if a simple , systematic check is followed .
5 Further , while there are indeed token-reflexive or self-referring expressions in natural languages , as in ( 12 ) and , arguably , in ( 13 ) ( see Chapter 5 ) : ( 12 ) This sentence contains five words ( 13 ) I hereby apologize these pose formidable problems for logical analysis , and nothing is gained by assimilating indexicals to token-reflexives if this can possibly be avoided .
6 This can only be avoided by releasing the tow promptly before the situation develops .
7 This can sometimes be avoided by the use of a newly developed stent exchanger .
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