Example sentences of "he [be] not sure whether " in BNC.

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1 Kingsley says he 's not sure whether the hunger is there to win for the second year .
2 Charman chipped in half as much as the rest because he was not sure whether he wanted to stay with them — and actually played only half the record .
3 He was not sure whether the pulse which beat in their joined hands was hers or his .
4 Although Hazel guessed that they must now have gone further from the warren than any rabbit he had ever talked to , he was not sure whether they were yet safely away : and it was while he was wondering — not for the first time — whether he could hear sounds of pursuit that he first noticed the dark masses of the trees and the brook disappearing among them .
5 On Germany , Bush said that he was not sure whether differences over the terms for German unification had been narrowed , although each side now understood the other 's concerns better .
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