Example sentences of "for [art] short period [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At least for the short period of time he expected the combat to last .
2 And thirdly we have to satisfy you that in the circumstances of the operation the police were justified in restraining Mr with handcuffs for the short period of time that he was restrained and in addition Mrs who you will remember was restrained in her lounge , she was told she could n't leave the lounge , again for a few minutes .
3 Only 4.3% of the subjects in the violent condition could subsequently recall the number on the jersey whereas 27.9% in the non-violent condition were able to despite actually having seen the boy for a shorter period of time .
4 For those seeking to complete only part of the programme an MPhil can be awarded for a shorter period of study .
5 So he wanted more life cover , but he obviously on his old plan could n't sustain that to the same period of time , so he had it for a shorter period of time , the ten years , and when it dropped , he dropped down again .
6 In 1846 he entered the engineers ' department of the River Clyde Improvement Trust , shortly afterwards becoming chief assistant and in 1852 acting engineer to the Trust for a short period on the death of David Bremner [ q.v . ] .
7 A Medau Teacher who teaches a class with Physical or Sensory Disabilities is required to teach for a short period on this day .
8 Cheddars may be hard or semi-hard ; they are pressed lightly for a matter of hours and then more firmly for a short period of days .
9 It causes them to suffer temporary lapses of memory and to have difficulty in concentrating for a short period of two to three hours .
10 The UK 's objection to the proposed Directive was that it was ‘ unreasonably restrictive ’ to designate large river catchments ‘ simply because , for a short period of time in the autumn , the water may temporarily exceed 50 mg/litre although throughout the rest of the year it will be well below that figure . ’
11 After fertilization the eggs form larvae that are pelagic and become a part of the plankton for a short period of time before settling on a hard surface to grow into new colonies .
12 It was agreed that as the European War was over I should take my family back to England for a short period of leave .
13 This is because the egg can only be fertilised for a short period of time following its release .
14 When a particular task requires expatriates to work overseas for a short period of time , it is common for employers to hire people with the necessary skills on short , fixed-term contracts .
15 The service flat , however , may be rented for a short period of time and fill the gap between the employee 's arrival in Britain and the completion of the house purchase .
16 Our study design explains how we could detect a significant difference in urinary albumin excretion between two treatments in a small number of subjects for a short period of time : monthly measurements over 12 months increased the precision and consequently the power of our trial .
17 Within my own panel courts have agreed to adjourn hearings , and make an order for a short period of time to enable a more thorough assessment .
18 You can borrow small sums for a short period of time or you can borrow large amounts for many years , such as a mortgage .
19 Really , this is another way of saying that capital is sunk , but for a short period of time , because whilst the plane is in use it is not available for alternative flights .
20 Whether or not these jobs were available only for a short period of time , they were regarded by their holders as temporary .
21 Algicides are sold by many aquatic plant nurseries and garden centres and while these are effective for a short period of time , they are not a substitute for a properly balanced pool .
22 These were doubtless satisfactory for the individuals who had collected them and for a short period of time , until perhaps superseded by rulings that were seen to be more appropriate .
23 Relevant factors included ( 1 ) the hirer 's lack of expertise in the plant hire business ; ( 2 ) that the contract was arranged at short notice and was for a short period of hire ; it was therefore difficult for the plaintiff hirers to arrange insurance cover ; ( 3 ) that the clause was not the subject of negotiation ; ( 4 ) that the hirers had little or no control over the way the driver did his job .
24 That will not happen immediately or alternatively it will only happen for a short period of time .
25 Erm yeah for a short period of time perhaps about two years ago .
26 for a short period of time which will have the same affect of building it up over the twenty five year period and you can use the money for er er other things .
27 But they do , they get paid a lot of money but only for a short period of time .
28 He was soon posted to England and then for a short period to Brussels before leaving the Bank in 1975 .
29 Larvae may immediately become bottom dwellers or pelagic for a short period to be broadcast over vast distances by ocean currents .
30 45133 and 50015 will then move on for a short period to the North Yorkshire Moors Railway before returning to Butterley .
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