Example sentences of "it be perhaps surprising [that] " in BNC.

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1 Firstly , it is perhaps surprising that the procedure is very difficult to do by hand , even for a small number of objects , and is quite impossible for a large number .
2 Since dogs are so easily manipulated , it is perhaps surprising that two of the most common problems we hear from doggy ‘ specialists ’ ( dog breeders , for example ) concern eating — like how to get a show dog to eat on the road , and how to get a recalcitrant dog to eat at all .
3 It is perhaps surprising that plant tissues contain substances which affect animals , but plants have always been a useful source of drugs , and indigenous remedies from all parts of the world were studied when research interests expanded after 1945 .
4 Given that it is the crucial phrase , it is perhaps surprising that the definition of breach of the peace has always been vague .
5 This may well be the most effective answer to the problem of low-interest categories , and it is perhaps surprising that so few library authorities operate circulating collections — even given the administrative problems involved .
6 Nonetheless it is perhaps surprising that the librarian has not crossed swords with the law over obscene and indecent literature before now .
7 The letter even speaks of their ‘ rights in the matter ’ , and it is perhaps surprising that the question was not asked whether there was a case for complaint to the European Court of Justice .
8 It is perhaps surprising that it has survived at all , yet there are pockets in this country where these lifetime associations are still meaningful .
9 It is not in Marx 's own writing that the idea of ‘ falseness ’ in ideology occurs and it is perhaps surprising that the notion of falseness is attributed to him ( e.g. Hirst 1976 : 385 ; Lichtheim 1967 : 18 ) .
10 It is perhaps surprising that Dempsey is ranked among the greatest champions of all time when he was artificially protected from the challenge of black opponents .
11 Looking at things from this viewpoint , it is perhaps surprising that the " invisible hand " theorem works at all .
12 If so , it is perhaps surprising that a threat of a mere breach of contract should give rise to liability .
13 It is perhaps surprising that he did not count and find that he had double the actual number present , but he , too , has departed .
14 Considering the nature of this attitude factor , with its stress on effectiveness it is perhaps surprising that reported changes in schools are not differentially associated with it .
15 Significantly , given this generally positive response to the Oxfordshire scheme , it is perhaps surprising that only a fifth judge that it was very useful in producing proposals for improvements in educational practice : one of its prime purposes .
16 Faced with the difficulties of tracing theses , borrowing them , and then extracting the relevant data from them , it is perhaps surprising that the views expressed by one interviewee , that it would probably be cheaper to find a new student and to repeat the research , are not more widely held .
17 In view of the comparatively greater possibilities of error , it is perhaps surprising that the early polls came as close as they did in predicting electoral outcomes .
18 In this environment it is perhaps surprising that the early factories should have received such hostile criticism .
19 It is perhaps surprising that circulating concentrations of both peptides rise within 15 minutes after eating .
20 Given the importance of repairs it is perhaps surprising that English law in this area is an uncoordinated , disorganised confusion of common law , statute and express terms .
21 Indeed in view of the tradition of seeing Christ as combining both active and contemplative lives it is perhaps surprising that mixed life was not more specifically advocated as an ideal .
22 It is perhaps surprising that Mr Lamont did not do something to stop the iniquitous practice of large firms delaying due payments to small firms , which has put may of the latter into serious difficulty .
23 It is perhaps surprising that Mr Lamont did not do something to stop the iniquitous practice of large firms delaying due payments to small firms , which has put many of the latter into serious difficulty .
24 Given these trends it was perhaps surprising that in 1984 the DES ( 1984b ) assumed that , despite this steady increase , the sex ratio at university entry would remain constant at its 1982 levels .
25 The two sides , however , were still separated by traditional rivalries extending over several centuries as well as by differing interpretations of Marxism , disputed borders and rivalry in their relations with other countries ; indeed it was perhaps surprising that their earlier association had lasted as long as it did .
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