Example sentences of "it [is] not uncommon [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Inevitably , the save and sometimes the print facility has been turned off , and it 's not uncommon to find that a limit on file size ( in memory ) is also applied .
2 It is not uncommon to wait for 5 hours for the result to be obtained .
3 It is not uncommon to refer to a ‘ hostile audience ’ or a ‘ receptive audience ’ .
4 In spite of this very real hazard , however , it is not uncommon to see quite experienced pilots leaving the ground with the elevator up , which results in the glider zooming up into a dangerously steep initial climb .
5 It is not uncommon to see hundreds of raw lengths of wood stored outside the building , awaiting conversion , via one of the specialised processes , into walking sticks .
6 Councillor bodies are often paralleled at officer level and it is not uncommon to see different outlooks prevail — a further dimension of complexity .
7 It is not uncommon to hear of old women who are cross when asked to perform domestic tasks in residential care !
8 For example , it is not uncommon to hear that the carer ‘ cracked ’ when a parent is incontinent immediately after leaving the toilet .
9 Indeed , it is not uncommon to hear a tournament player of four or five years ' standing confess that she has not yet given herself a fair chance .
10 It is not uncommon to hear about the assassination of public figures in the streets of Bogota and even running in local elections can ensure a place on some death list .
11 It is not uncommon to have the outworks of an earthen castle associated with settlement remains , as at Rockingham in Northamptonshire or Kilpeck in Herefordshire .
12 ‘ Where the proceedings are between the parents , both of whom are acting bona fide in the interests of the child , it is not uncommon to make no order as to costs of the proceedings .
13 It is not uncommon to attribute the entire outcome of the regional trading balance to the effects of economic integration .
14 In the Western and Northern Isles and on the north-west mainland of Scotland , it is not uncommon to find montane plants growing at or near sea level , though this phenomenon is probably better demonstrated in NW Sutherland and Shetland than in the Western Isles .
15 It is not uncommon to find households with two or more Rottweilers and it is in these situations , that sometimes , the green-eyed monster can appear .
16 Registers tend to be filled in , often to a pattern , sometimes in advance , whereas actual attendance , particularly in rural areas may be far more sporadic than indicated , while in certain communities ( as with nomads such as the Kenya Turkana or Moslem communities suspicious of the corrupting influence of western schools on their children ) it is not uncommon to find considerable numbers of pupils who are on the roll , but attend sporadically and unwillingly .
17 In these instances it is not uncommon to find a government 's revenue ( as in Lesotho ) almost totally committed to paying its teacher force — hence nothing left over to equip the schools ; in which case it is worth asking whether the whole costly mechanism of providing school education has not come to an unprofitable full-stop just before the only point where it can be productive — enabling children to learn .
18 It is not uncommon to find old goldfish that are pale lemon or even white in colour .
19 It is not uncommon to find the spaces still blank in early books , the scribe not having arrived before the books were put on the market .
20 WHEN walking across the upland fells of Britain , it is not uncommon to find the whitened jawbone of a long-dead sheep , teeth rattling in its sockets .
21 Thus , it is not uncommon to find Comte , Durkheim , Marx , and Weber all described as positivists , even though from many points of view they make strange bedfellows .
22 It is not uncommon to find reporting clauses in the form ‘ It occurred to her … . ’ ,
23 Equally evident is the use of " heraldic " emblems , or tribal coats-of-arms , and it is not uncommon to find magical and totemistic motifs in a number of tribal and Chinese rugs .
24 Equally , it is not uncommon to find such introductions or extensions of temporary working labelled by those who are critical of them as the introduction or extension of " casualisation " ( see , for instance , the report of a motion passed at the 1986 conference of the engineering workers union ( AUEW ) which " attacked the greater use of casual workers by employers " in Financial Times , 23/4/86 ) .
25 Thus , in times of slack demand it is not uncommon to find managements tightening up on industrial discipline .
26 With few notable exceptions , legal department tend to be small to medium in size and it is not uncommon to find that solicitors work along .
27 There are also areas of confusion : it is not uncommon to meet feminists who disagree with Wages for Housework ( on grounds similar to those quoted above ) yet would support increases in child benefit or the right of wives and cohabiting women to claim SB for themselves .
28 It is not uncommon to provide in the Articles that if a transfer of a " controlling interest " is in contemplation , the proposed transferee should be obliged to extend to all other shareholders an offer to purchase their shares on like terms .
29 Each rainforest tree supports many other plants and it is not uncommon to discover 30 different species on one tree including ferns , vines and orchids .
30 It is not uncommon to seek a renegotiation of the price , after a survey report has been received that lists certain works that require attention .
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