Example sentences of "it [is] [prep] remembering [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In reality , if your pet is left with a small , beautifully-sutured wound , then all credit must go the skill of your veterinary surgeon and it 's worth remembering that , for the time and skill required , spaying is a very cheap and justifiable operation .
2 And it 's worth remembering that for very many children , for many years , their teachers are the only readers of the bulk of their work . ’
3 ( However , it 's worth remembering that many readers skip the advertisement sections . )
4 I have concentrated on mortgage arrears and repossessions above , but it 's worth remembering that the HBAI report reminds us that the majority of people in the lowest 10% rely on rented accommodation .
5 ( It 's worth remembering that Unix Labs has maintained from the beginning that COSE would eventually result in an agreement on the kernel , namely System V.4 or its descendent .
6 Tsunami 's arrival — and it 's worth remembering that its code name means Tidal Wave — should give Sun a whole new ballpark to play in , making Sparc 's proliferation in the desktop , portable , X-terminal and embedded markets possible .
7 ( It 's worth remembering that Unix System Labs has maintained from the beginning that COSE would eventually result in an agreement on the kernel , namely SVR4 or its descendent ( UX No 430 ) ) .
8 Even if your reaction is mild , it 's worth remembering that repeated exposure to foods that cause allergic reactions may result in the symptoms getting gradually worse .
9 It 's worth remembering that all drugs are open to abuse , and that people offer what they believe to be plausible explanations for such abuse : " To escape my problems ' ; " To relieve boredom " ; " To stay awake at parties ' ; " For self-confidence " ; " To be one of the crowd " ; " To help me get on with people " ; " To stop me worrying " ; " To become more creative " ; " To help me study all night " ; " It blows my mind " ; " For a pick-me-up " .
10 At the same time it 's worth remembering that at least one contrast colour , even if only a large plant or a mass of flowers or cushions , will help to emphasize the clever harmony of the background colour scheme .
11 It 's worth remembering that showers use much less hot water ( see Chapter 8 ) .
12 For anyone else trying to find work in middle age it 's worth remembering that the real Churchill did n't get his big break until he was 66 .
13 Swings often start by touching down with drift in a cross wind and it is worth remembering that , from the point of view of avoiding a bad swing into wind , it is better to overdo the drift correction .
14 Even though some presenters use music merely as a vehicle for their own performances , it is worth remembering that they would all find it very difficult to do their job without the music base .
15 It is worth remembering that we are dealing with ‘ popular ’ music .
16 Although I concentrate in this chapter on sexual difference and on cultural and racial differences in the last chapter , it is worth remembering that in some contexts they interrelate .
17 In choosing the best moment to collect the berries it is worth remembering that in the past growers expected their fruit to fulfil more than one function .
18 On the Hyperion label the disc comes at ‘ upper mid-price ’ - just under £10-but it is worth remembering that Sir David Willcocks 's vintage performances of the Coronation Anthems with King 's College Choir at their brightest now come on mid-price CD in Decca 's Ovation series , generously coupled with the magnificent , extended Chandos Anthem No. 9 , O Praise The Lord With One Consent .
19 It is worth remembering that , when Indira asked Rajiv to go into politics after his elder brother 's death in 1980 , he put out a statement saying that he had no such intention .
20 That policy was overturned in two minutes flat but it is worth remembering that it had held sway since the inception of the service areas fifteen years earlier .
21 Finally , it is worth remembering that exercise to increase stamina will boost metabolic rate .
22 ( It is worth remembering that in those days the Grand National fences did not incorporate a sloping apron of gorse on the take-off side to help the horses jump accurately : the take-off side was sheer , and consequently more difficult to gauge correctly . )
23 It is worth remembering that the first pneumatic bicycle tyre appeared on a cinder track in Portadown in August 1889 .
24 However , in such cases it is worth remembering that the product may be available more cheaply elsewhere and may thus reduce the credit needed !
25 It is worth remembering that with increasing age , the symptoms of cystitis may be less dramatic but it can cause incontinence of urine .
26 Finally , at a time when the demand for public accountability has never been greater , it is worth remembering that many museums receive substantial grants towards what is supposed to be their educational provision for the general public .
27 Well intentioned as the EEC goal is , it is worth remembering that four out of five cars would be unable to run if the lead were removed .
28 It is worth remembering that water can be used to douse any kind of fire except a fat fire or a fire involving electrical equipment .
29 It is worth remembering that most accidents happen within a few miles of home .
30 It is worth remembering that the UK at the time of this publication was already adrift of the best practice elsewhere , with fatality rates double those of the Netherlands for pedestrians and more than triple those of Sweden for children .
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