Example sentences of "have acted [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Fundholding has acted as a catalyst for change in Britain 's general practice community — the ultimate outcome of the experiment remains to be seen .
2 She has acted as a consultant to both the International Tennis Federation and the South American Tennis Confederation and was instrumental in helping to develop women 's tennis throughout Latin America before taking on the role of spokesperson for Tennis Interlink .
3 Since then he has been involved in two research projects on older workers , and has acted as a consultant to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development on early retirement policies .
4 In recent years members of the department have been engaged in research on anti-discrimination law , commissioned by the Standing Advisory Commission on Human Rights in Northern Ireland , and Professor Munro has acted as a consultant to the European Parliament , while Mr Walker is participating in a project on the Policing Implications of European Co-operation , funded by the E.S.R.C .
5 Firstly to our Current Master Fellow , , who gave me my initial tuition in embalming , but more than that has acted as a mentor throughout my career , for that I am forever grateful .
6 The participatory nature of the project has since been copied by other groups in different parts of the USA and many of the original participants have helped to encourage and train new people in other areas of their own states to find out more about ownership patterns in their home areas Highlander has responded to calls from other groups , and has acted as a clearing house for information and to make connections between interested parties .
7 The firm has acted as a clearing house for information on plantations , charcoal and gasifiers for years .
8 Kwik Save 's success has acted as a magnet to continental European discounters : ‘ Three years ago there was only really Kwik Save , ’ says Henrik Gundelach who is in charge of Netto 's British business .
9 The success of the pilot year of the Student Tutoring Scheme coupled with the interest shown in Enterprise Studentships has acted as a launchpad for Student Enterprise within Napier .
10 Mr Watt , who is a specialist in insolvency , investigations and audit work , was an assessor to the Bingham Inquiry and has acted as a Department of Trade and Industry inspector on a number of investigations , including those into Alexander Howden and Guinness .
11 To mix the metaphor , Western trade has been a sedative , not a tonic ; it has acted as a brake on reform , not a stimulant .
12 If this perspective is adopted , environmentalists ought perhaps to be grateful for the fact that the vast majority of farmers are not more economically rational when they come to organize the husbandry of their farms and that the inertia introduced by the historical pattern of landownership and farm structure in this country has acted as a brake on landscape change .
13 Our lack of a regional strategy has acted as a brake on our economic development and , in the future , it will be a barrier to competing in the single market .
14 The failure of IAEA safeguards , including twice-yearly inspections in Iraq for the pasts 15 years , must lead to the conclusion that the NPT has acted like a cloak of respectability to certain nations which have signed it .
15 Unsurprising , perhaps , but in a country that for 40 years has acted like a poodle it is striking to find a Japanese suggesting that it now has the strength of a rottweiler .
16 Archie 's Nephew , a stable-companion of Rushing Wild , was scoring for the first time this season , having acted as a schoolmaster for novice riders in several earlier runs .
17 The largest so far identified lies west of Ryknild Street , emphasizing the fact that the road may once have acted as a settlement boundary .
18 That receipt would have acted as a bill of sale for the dogs , but without it ‘ Title of Ownership ’ had not been passed for Sophie and Robbie .
19 If allies were able to provide the necessities of life , primitive valuables could have acted as a medium of exchange ; primitive valuables may also have been used as a means of contracting alliances as may marriages between members of different political groups .
20 The presence of efficient predators would have acted as a stimulus in the evolution of other groups : even algal grazers would be compelled to evolve protective devices or rapid reproductive strategies to outpace predatory depredations .
21 That would have acted as a deterrent to any other doctor who thought he had a God-given right to take life .
22 In addition , divided catalogues or separate classified catalogues could also have acted as a deterrent to subject searching .
23 It may also have acted as a service centre for the nearby imperial estate centred on Combe Down and for the numerous rich villas which grew up in the vicinity .
24 Sooner or later water must have acted as a transporter for dissolved materials .
25 Without engaging in speculation , it can be said that relationships of this type might have acted as a channel for ideas and opinions and represented a means by which influence could be exerted .
26 To stay and gain promotion within a work enterprise would have acted as a brake on their aspirations to be independent of employment .
27 He is believed to have acted as a kind of broker for that dangerous spy-ring that was broken up in Holland last year .
28 Similar market-places are likely to have acted as a focus elsewhere .
29 So , in their own interest , the firms should be very careful that the finger is not pointed at them , that they are not seen to have acted in a way that abuses their power and cuts across their independence and integrity . ’
30 Nevertheless , over the years the curriculum has become increasingly regulated , in the face of concern about the need for reform — expressed with increasing regularity once James Callaghan 's Ruskin College ( ‘ Great Debate ’ ) speech in 1976 had acted as a catalyst for debate .
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