Example sentences of "have already [been] mention [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The indirect link with Asian and African cattle by virtue of the possession of B-allele haemoglobin has already been mentioned but the Jersey seems to have more links with non-European cattle .
2 It has already been mentioned that , in contrast , there is generally a six-year limitation period for instituting proceedings in respect of breach of contract in the civil courts .
3 It has already been mentioned that those who serve in the House have an opportunity to put wrongs right .
4 The Monopolies and Mergers Commission has already been mentioned and it has been suggested that it will have to be involved again .
5 Stephen , the pope 's nephew and Richard 's son , has already been mentioned and John , cardinal deacon of St Maria in Cosmedin from 1200 was related — possibly another nephew .
6 The first one has already been mentioned and relates to the actual average salary .
7 This technique has already been mentioned when talking of ascribing noble intentions .
8 The beginning of a sentence generally introduces what it is " about " , often an item of given information ( i.e. something which has already been mentioned or has been directly implied ) .
9 This can quite often happen as a result of the last part of the tone-unit being already ‘ given ’ ( i.e. something which has already been mentioned or is completely predictable ) , for example :
10 Some names have already been mentioned but it is possible to think of so many : of Mr Tommy and Mr Bobbie Reynolds and their work in choir and Sunday School , of the dignified and gracious figures of Mr and Mrs T H Watson ( parents of the Reverend George Watson ) , of Mr W A Mullen DL and his son Mr Cecil Mullen , generous and energetic benefactors of the church in so many ways , of Mr R J Magowan OBE JP for over 40 years secretary of the Trustees , of the brothers Mr Herbie and Mr David McClatchey , their service as Trustees and members of the choir , of Mr David Lyttle , Mr Norman Lyttle and Mr Sammy Lyttle , active in all aspects of the church 's life but especially concerned with choir and Sunday Schools of Mr Willie Holmes and his daughters Winnie and Amy , of Mr David Lamb and his family , of Mr Twinem Jackson , who , with Mr Magowan , still had time to give years of public service to the community at large in Portadown , of Mr C J McKinley , concerned with the Building Fund over the years and Superintendent of the morning Sunday School from 1943 to the 1960s , of Mrs Sleator with her wholehearted love for the church and for people , of Mr Bertie Montgomery , always cheerful and serene , who , among so many other things , began the practice of taping the services for the benefit of the elderly and housebound , of M Alfred Shortt and his long and generous association with the Sunday School , or Mr Dan Humphries , helping over the years with the church 's finances , of members of the Calvert and Hardy families and of those who , belonging to other Societies , nevertheless gave years of service to Edenderry — Mr Sam Robinson , Mr Joseph Cranston , Mr John Curry , Mr James Mullen , Mr W J Green , Mr Isaac Holland , Mr Eric Walker , and Mr William Bustard .
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