Example sentences of "have often be said [that] " in BNC.

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1 It has often been said that the majority of European farmers live poor , but die rich .
2 In biological writing it has often been said that a character is advantageous or detrimental to a species .
3 It has often been said that heads are recruited largely on the basis of having been successful classroom teachers and are therefore appointed to a new task on the basis of their ability in a different job .
4 It has often been said that the non-neurotic person is one whose repressive mechanisms work well .
5 It has often been said that Tony played a guitar with the crucifixes upside down , for a more sinister and satanic embellishment , but John Diggins is adamant that he never built one like that and he 's pretty certain that no such thing exists .
6 It has often been said that the family kept the process secret , but this seems unlikely , since it is known that pearl ash was used to secure the transparency .
7 It has often been said that the decisive development since Darwin was a new synthesis , in the 1920s and 1930s , of Mendel on heredity and Darwin on selection .
8 It has often been said that he did not really have any very clear idea of what he wanted from his Council ; and as far as content goes , that may be true .
9 It has often been said that because of the restrictions on discovery , interrogatories and cross-examination under Ord. 53 , the AJR is not a suitable vehicle for resolving factual disputes , and this provides a justification for not requiring collateral attacks to be made by way of an AJR .
10 In fact it has often been said that Halley 's reputation for atheism may have cost him the Savilian chair of astronomy in 1691–2 .
11 It has often been said that his characters are " puppets " of his grand design , but his own vision necessarily makes them so .
12 Not surprisingly , it has often been said that foreign learners of English need to learn English intonation ; some have gone further than this and claimed that , unless the foreign learner learns the appropriate way to use intonation in a given situation , there is a risk that he or she may unintentionally give offence ; for example , the learner might use an intonation suitable for expressing boredom or discontent when what was needed was an expression of gratitude or affection .
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