Example sentences of "have [adv] come home [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes , you 've just come home from work and your feet are sore and your head aches , but then the music starts playing and away you go .
2 Overnight the full force of what might have happened had finally come home to Elise , and she 'd spent most of the day clucking round her young sister like a hen with one chick .
3 Ruth Atucehene , an immigrant from Ghana , said : ‘ I had just come home from church and I was in the house with my children . ’
4 If you 've ever come home with newly bought make-up only to find that the colours do n't really suit you , take heart .
5 I 've often come home from a job , or visiting so-called happily married friends , and thanked heaven fasting for my lot .
6 He kept thinking of how his Mum and Dad would be when they found out he was n't back , that he had n't come home with either of them .
7 ‘ What about his parents ? — they 'll worry , ’ protested Leith , remembering the occasions when Sebastian had n't come home at night , and how her mother had gone almost hairless .
8 When Ken got up that afternoon — he had n't come home till three in the morning — Wendy said , ‘ I 've really got to go back to work ; I 'm drinking too much : this life is driving me mad . ’
9 Imagine that you have just come home from your hard day being an Environmental Health Officer , and your neighbour , who happens to be a builder or bookmaker or something , invites you down to the pub , and over a pint he says , ‘ I heard something on the radio about some story .
10 Oh , she thinks she 's just come home from
11 His words have really come home to me this week .
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