Example sentences of "a member [prep] the public " in BNC.

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1 Police said the arrests came after a tip-off from a member of the public .
2 As they reached the fire engines they were handed a print-out detailing the call : a road traffic accident in Trafalgar Square reported by a member of the public .
3 This concluded that the maximum tolerable risk of death to a member of the public from a modern industrial process should be about one chance in 10,000 per annum .
4 Such lèse-majesté could only come from a member of the public .
5 Maladministration is not defined , but it is usually taken to mean administrative action ( or inaction ) which has led to unfairness to a member of the public .
6 If a complaint is received directly from a member of the public , or if further information about the complaint is needed , the matter will be taken up in correspondence .
7 An investigation was immediately launched by the National Rivers Authority following a tip-off from a member of the public .
8 A member of the public asked why Liphook had the second highest precept .
9 A bright , positive girl was interviewing a vacuous-looking man on whose show a member of the public had recently been killed by a stuntsman 's cage falling on him .
10 MH : I remember somebody told me that a member of the public asked that question and was told it could be either five minutes or 40 years !
11 WATSON was trapped by a member of the public who tipped off police about his activities .
12 Last night he told TODAY : ‘ We were able to trace Watson after a member of the public contacted us and gave us information which suggested he was responsible for these attacks .
13 But the rumour in Germany is that a member of the public shopped Stuttgart by making a call to UEFA .
14 The man was picked up following a tip-off from a member of the public .
15 On the other hand , when you go abroad to a country where you 're completely unrecognized , you 're reminded what it 's like to be a member of the public , and that can be very sobering — life without the smiles and knowing looks .
16 Chair my name 's Pete from Partnership 's I 'm here as a member of the public I 'm not here to speak on behalf of the theatre at all .
17 A member of the public bearing an ‘ uncanny ’ resemblance to the victim volunteered to play her role , retracing her movements from an office in London 's West End to Acton Town Underground station in west London last Thursday .
18 HARWICH police got a nasty surprise yesterday when a member of the public placed a suspected unexploded bomb on their counter .
19 Minor complaints such as uncivility to a member of the public can be dealt with by a system of informal resolution .
20 Second , either as a result of his or her independent actions , or acting as a result of an objection by a member of the public , the auditor can seek redress in the courts when an item of account is contrary to the law , or where money has not been brought to account or loss has been incurred through wilful misconduct .
21 Thus it is common ground in the present case that if a manufacturer negligently makes and markets defective goods , for instance a car with defective brakes , or a soothing syrup for babies which is negligently contaminated with corrosive acid , and the defective goods are put on the market and sold to a member of the public , and the predictable accident follows and a young baby is injured , for instance if the baby is a passenger in the car when the brakes fail and the car crashes , or is given the syrup , it is no defence to an action for damages , by or on behalf of the baby , for the manufacturer to prove that the baby was only born after the defective goods had left the manufacturer 's premises or even had passed to the member of the public by purchase from the retailer .
22 That is the position that we have now brought in , as opposed to the original one in the Bill where it would be assessed on the cost to a member of the public .
23 If a member of the public sees him then they should on no account approach him or make a disturbance .
24 It 's perhaps fair to say as well that if if er er a member of the public knows that P C Smith or P C Jones is his local policeman , he would prefer to see P C Smith or P C Jones .
25 An example of how the industry maintains its standards can be seen in the treatment of a complaint against a Japanese motor manufacturer by a member of the public ( ASA Case Report 119 , 1985 ) .
26 Nigel Holloway , chief technical consultant with Consultancy Services at Culham , carried out a safety assessment of the growing craze of bungee jumping and proved it was safe by doing the highest ever jump by a member of the public in this country .
27 Perhaps Mr Woolf had overheard that classic remark by a member of the public who said to me one day when we were negotiating the locks of the Caledonian canal in Venturous , " I did n't know we had Inland Revenue Cutters . "
28 ‘ Their warehouses hare full of unsaleable stock , so it 's only too easy to get cheap books ; and a member of the public does n't know the difference between a previous edition of , say , the Oxford Companion to English Literature selling for £5 and the new edition selling for £25 — especially since the new edition is n't always better . ’
29 It 's actually a member of the public from Southwell , that
30 Sometimes a manufacturer sells directly to a member of the public , e.g. by mall order or by door to door salesman .
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