Example sentences of "be [adj] in [det] respects " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This season has been different in many respects .
2 The rocks of the oceanic crust are different in many respects from the ‘ average ’ rocks of the continents : they are black , dense rocks , usually very fine-grained , contain much less silica ( less than 50 per cent ) , and are remarkably uniform , even monotonous in appearance .
3 The structures of the two programs are different in many respects and where they are similar this is the result of coincidence only or because they are constrained by the function — no infringement of copyright .
4 Although modern America and Western Europe , as well as Russia and Eastern Europe , are different in some respects from the type of society with which Freud was familiar before and after the First World War , there is still great value in Freud 's conceptualizations for understanding some problems in these societies .
5 In the purchase of material goods , issues of quantity , quality , price and delivery are crucial in several respects .
6 The conclusions that I have come to about what is and is not important in the area of environmental scanning and business strategy are similar in many respects to those of White and Wilson , in another piece of British Library-sponsored research [ White & Wilson ( 1985 ) ] .
7 Pigs and peccaries , even though they are similar in many respects — not least their looks — are related only in that they are both artiodactyls .
8 Internally , these organizations are similar in many respects to the more or less bureaucratic corporations , military institutions and government agencies found in the West , not least in their dysfunctions of petty officialdom ( Feher , Heller and Markus 1983 , pp. 123–4 ) .
9 They are similar in many respects , with a shared language ; advanced industrial economies ; similar but not always identical political , social , and economic values ; and some mutual needs .
10 But the problems raised by global warming are unprecedented in several respects , so that the established tools of economic analysis can not deal with them properly .
11 As will be seen later , current DBMS models are inadequate in some respects .
12 Tidal ranges are important in several respects .
13 These results are consistent with the findings of Chowdhury and Kreitman ( 1971 ) , and Kreitman and Chowdhury ( 1973a ) , who found attempted suicide patients and Samaritan clients to be different in many respects — the Samaritan clients , for example , including a greater proportion of men , and more socially isolated individuals .
14 Whereas in the past one could look at earnings per share as a rough guide to both performance trends and what the analysts call ‘ maintainable earnings ’ , from now on eps will be unhelpful in both respects .
15 All goods must be of sound materials , workmanship and ( where you are responsible for this ) design , and shall be equal in all respects to relevant samples , or patterns provided by or accepted by us .
16 This edition was found to be inadequate in several respects , and the same could be said of all editions until the eighteenth .
17 No case is likely to be identical in all respects with another .
18 Thus Lautro is under a duty not merely at common law but by statute to be fair in these respects towards its members .
19 Suggesting , however , that the notion of ‘ symbolic politics ’ as used by Gusfield may be pertinent in some respects for an analysis of the campaigns of the NVALA and comparable groups , is not to argue that the full-blown theory of status politics used to explain the rise of the WCTU in the United States can be simply and completely applied to the ‘ moral crusades ’ of the so-called ‘ permissive era ’ in Britain .
20 The selected texts ( or versions of a single text ) will be alike in many respects , yet different in perhaps just one basic way — called the VARIABLE .
21 ( 1983 ) have argued that maps based on the European Air Chemistry Network may be misleading in several respects , such as in failing adequately to show the pattern of time variations over the years or the large degree of uncertainty attaching to individual contours , and assuming a geographical homogeneity which is not borne out by detailed calculations with data taken from adjacent sites .
22 ‘ Half an hour to be ready in all respects for the move ’ , the orders said .
23 Even if the policies of successive governments since World War II had been successful in all respects , would we now be in a different situation fiscally and socially ?
24 Despite the conclusion of a Comprehensive Programme of Integration in 1971 , progress on this front has been pitiful in many respects compared with that achieved within the EEC .
25 ‘ Llandovery have great pace behind the scrum and Narberth were solid in all respects .
26 Table III gives the concurrent treatment , sex ratios , and means and standard deviations for age , weight , duration of disease , and duration of the recent flare up ; the groups were similar in most respects although there was a difference in the sex ratio .
27 The cimetidine treated xenografts were identical in all respects to the xenografts from the other groups apart from having less necrotic areas , possibly because thy had not outgrown their blood supply to the same extent as the other tumours .
28 ‘ Our backs were disappointing in some respects against Monaghan , ’ he chides , ‘ We gave away two goals within a couple of minutes and you simply can not do that and expect to win championship matches — it 's not just on . ’
29 The take-up has been disappointing in some respects , with the most highly motivated members attending several courses .
30 Even among the members of a particular species , no two are alike in all respects .
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