Example sentences of "the north and south [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Large areas of western Scotland , mid- and North Wales and the upland zones of the North and South West of England have exhibited population gains , in some cases for the first time in over a century .
2 The north and south coasts are 14 miles equidistant .
3 Both the north and south coasts can be reached for day trips .
4 Exploration for placer tin deposits has been carried out in South-west England off the north and south coasts of Cornwall ( see under tin in Appendix 1 ) .
5 On his fourth voyage Smith examined the north and south coasts of New South Shetland and , from 30 January 1820 , part of the Antarctic continent , the Trinity Peninsula .
6 Of especial interest , apart from some fine sculpture on the north transept portal , is the rayonnant period work on the north and south transept façades , the magnificent west window and the early flamboyant gables above .
7 The North and South Rims have very different characters .
8 ( These were the Arctic and Antarctic , the North and South Atlantic , the North and South Pacific , and the Indian Oceans .
9 Under a programme jointly funded by BGS , the Royal Society and the National Natural Science Foundation of China , a visit was made to north-eastern China to investigate the structural relationships between the North and South China cratons .
10 For the last eight years , Messrs. Wright & Sons have had the contract for the maintenance and working of the North and South Staffordshire Railways . ’
11 The plan therefore built on the proposals put forward in 1937 by Sir Charles Bressey and Sir Edwin Lutyens for London 's traffic , and proposed to add to the two already partly-built outer ring roads ( the North and South Orbital and the North and South Circular ) with two corresponding inner rings — ‘ the fast traffic ring-road an
12 There were of course three other rings : the North and South Orbital ( E ) , the North and South Circular ( C ) and the A ring , which connected the terminal railway stations .
13 The lower jawbone continues through both the North and South Islands of New Zealand until it reaches the ‘ chin ’ , then begins a slow doubling back along an unseen series of mid-oceanic ridges that curve through the roaming forties , become the back of Pac-Man 's skull and turn back up towards warmer water , surfacing briefly as Easter Island and the pinnacles of Sala y Gomez , and joining the scalp and the hairline at the Mexican coast , Baja California and the west coasts of America , Canada and , finally , Alaska once more .
14 The general aim was to hand these problems over , if only at a conceptual level in the first instance , to the North and South Devon district management teams .
15 She was referring to the North and South Heys which flowed from their source at Ranlodden Moor towards the six-hundred-foot hills that towered over Heymouth .
16 Work on the first stage in MURRAYFIELD 's redevelopment , building stands to replace the north and south terracing , will begin immediately after Scotland 's final home match in the Five Nations ' Championship , the game against France on March 7 .
17 The West Stand will be out of commission at the time because of the ground 's redevelopment , which has started with the construction of stands to replace the north and south terracing .
18 Just off the main road on the right is a good viewpoint to look down on both the north and south sides of the island .
19 On the north and south sides , the base is divided into a sub-base 24 inches high , each side containing 104 interchangeable cedar-wood drawers 11 inches long and 3½ inches wide and deep to store the contents when necessary .
20 With the exception of the ground floor on the north and south sides , which are fitted with French casement doors , the windows are all sliding sashes double hung with lines and weights .
21 Interchangeable cedar-wood storage drawers on the north and south sides of the base
22 As you go in by the west end of the nave of the parish church , two black memorial plaques have been set into little side chapels on the north and south walls .
23 From Vitznau the boat passes through a narrow channel formed between two promontories from the north and south shores , called the Upper and Lower Nose respectively .
24 The north and south gates at Godmanchester fall into this category , with flanking guard chambers projecting equally to front and back , while at Chesterton-on-Fosse the guard towers were possibly added to the rear of the wall .
25 There has to be a reason for it and I believe the answer lies in the ‘ widened ’ , unorthodox ‘ Vesica Piscis ’ , for by drawing a line through the north and south intersections ( see Fig 1 ) and comparing the distance from the westernmost point of the West Overton circle ( conveniently marked by Bishops Cannings church ) to the point where the line crosses the axis of the centres .
26 Now colleagues , refreshments and the exhibition halls are stationed in the north and south reception areas on the first floor of the Guildhall .
27 There has been big demand for tickets , despite price increases , and the club anticipate a sell-out in the North and South stands and terraces .
28 The RDP , led by veteran opposition figure Kim Young Sam , had traditionally drawn the bulk of its support from South Kyongsang province ( including Pusan ) , while the NDRP , led by Kim Jong Pil , had been based in the north and south Chungchong regions .
29 The same charge will apply to the north and south car parks in Victoria Road , which were made short stay car parks a few years ago .
30 The plan therefore built on the proposals put forward in 1937 by Sir Charles Bressey and Sir Edwin Lutyens for London 's traffic , and proposed to add to the two already partly-built outer ring roads ( the North and South Orbital and the North and South Circular ) with two corresponding inner rings — ‘ the fast traffic ring-road an
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