Example sentences of "the superiority [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The family must be able to demonstrate its willingness and ability to differentiate between different lifestyles , race and colour without inferring the inferiority of one and the superiority of the other .
2 It seems likely that in ways we can never measure , the preachings about the superiority of the life of the spirit may have been profoundly discouraging and alienating to mothers of very young children , who knew about the realities of their own lives and realized that these preachings were profoundly insensitive to those realities … .
3 He wanted peace , provided it was compatible with the superiority of the state and the then accepted view of that somewhat shifting concept , the sanctity of private property .
4 Johnny 's double standards , and his entrenched belief in the superiority of the male , had led her into an angry tirade of defence designed only to prove that she was exactly the cheap little tart that he so obviously thought her.Their relationship seemed to be increasingly an exercise in one-upmanship : my time 's better than yours ; so there !
5 That the miller 's knives substitute for his sexual potency rather than reflect it is indicated by the superiority of the clerk 's performance in bed with his wife to anything he has managed for a long time : He has fathered two children , but , like Bayard , his sexual energy is now exhausted .
6 In a Christian world-view therefore the superiority of the market over a state-owned economy is based on a comparison not of the efficiency but of the humanity of the two systems .
7 He has not concealed — still , in retirement , does not conceal — his scepticism about a worship of universities marked by prejudices about the superiority of the academic over the practical , of the pure over the applied , of the traditional over the innovatory .
8 The superiority of the abstract over the concrete , the theoretical over the practical , was taken for granted by the Greeks , and also by all education based on the classical model .
9 Foucault is particularly critical of the appropriating structure of totalization , Marxist or otherwise , insofar as it implies the superiority of the theorist who produces the totalization of knowledge ; in the same way , he distrusts the use of history as an encompassing framework because it works as a power structure that enables the expropriation and control of the past according to the perspective and truth of the present .
10 He became impressed with the superiority of the French and Belgian kite-balloons over his own spherical type , reported accordingly to the Admiralty , and was promptly recalled to initiate kite-balloon training at Roehampton in March 1915 .
11 On June 21 a pastoral letter signed by all the country 's Catholic prelates warned against extrajudicial action by the authorities and remarked that " the superiority of the party over the authority of parliament seems to be an accomplished fact " .
12 These results have recently been confirmed in a prospective study and show the superiority of the methotrexate containing regimen , leading to its recommendation as the gold standard for all future gastric carcinoma trials .
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