Example sentences of "be focused on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , the future of the Open Software Foundation 's Motif graphical user interface is a subject that 's concerning IXI , as well as some other corners of the independent software vendor community who 's businesses are focused on the emerging de facto industry standard , OSF 's major success to date .
2 In fact , a great deal of attention and joy are focused on the newborn baby and its mother , but this soon evaporates .
3 Thames is also choosing to launch the transatlantic venture — its first major takeover — as all eyes are focused on the British market where the Government will today reveal the details of its new broadcasting legislation including proposals to force ITV contractors to compete in an auction for the renewal of their franchises .
4 The Centre 's research priorities are focused on the improved functioning of the British and international economies .
5 As the government and the ruling class and its allies are almost always the main actors in the pursuit of development strategies , much of the research in this area has been focused on the political centre .
6 Recent attention has been focused on the stunned myocardium and while established methods of assessing ventricular function are unable to detect such jeopardised myocardium , newer imaging techniques such as positron emission tomography , nuclear magnetic resonance or contrast echocardiography may further improve risk stratification in the future .
7 Much feminist attention has been focused on the sexist bias of many of the textbooks used in schools .
8 Policemen and women are members of a close-knit occupational world with a discrete culture and also face a world which has great variability and confusion , and considerable attention has been focused on the cognitive processes , typifications , and recipes they employ to accomplish policing ( for example , see Bittner 1967 , 1980 ; Chatterton 1975 ; Holdaway 1983 ; Manning 1977 ; Policy Studies Institute 1983b ; Reiner 1978 ; Rubinstein 1973 ; Skolnick 1966 ; for a study of police typifications in the United States which has a very odd combination of Schutz 's ideas , symbolic interactionism , and quantitative and mathematical models , see Sykes and Brent 1983 ) .
9 To summarise , many partnerships appear to have focused or been focused on the immediate and not necessarily the important .
10 With such beliefs the Society proved receptive to both the nativist anti-semitic tradition which had been focused on the anti-alien campaign in the East End of London between 1900 and 1905 , to the Marconi scandal before the First World War , and to international influences such as the White Russian anti-semitic propaganda directed at the Bolsheviks after 1918 .
11 Most attention has been focused on the ionotropic receptors ( like NMDA and kainic acid receptors ) , but it is clear that metabotropic receptors operating through the InsP 3 and DAG messenger systems have a profound effect on neural behaviour , including memory .
12 It has also been stressed that the overall range of individual building types can be a useful indicator of the level of settlement complexity ; in particular , attention has been focused on the relative presence or absence of the larger , more obviously romanized , building complexes and their planned or ad hoc location within the layout .
13 More recently , attention has been focused on the statutory legal advice scheme ( and , indeed , legal aid generally ) , prompted , it seems , more by government concern at rising public expenditure costs than any serious wish that those who need but can not afford legal services obtain them .
14 So far , tropical moist forests provide little more than 10% of the total wood used as solid wood and pulp , but as temperate forests become depleted or increasingly under pressure of the ‘ environmental ’ lobby to be managed for functions other than production , attention will inevitably be focused on the tropical resources .
15 A further benefit of this analysis is that it causes attention to be focused on the real medical-legal issue ; whether , and if so , what , liability ( criminal or civil ) ever attends the decision which is significant , namely turning , or failing to turn , the ventilator on again .
16 Bush said that attention needed to be focused on the economic reconstruction of Cambodia " so its new political reconciliation has a home from which to grow " .
17 He seemed to be focused on the black space beyond the candlelight .
18 Its supposed to be focused on the seamless integration of applications , data , user interfaces and other computing resources among heterogeneous systems .
19 A prospective employer 's interest will be focused on the last ten years approximately , so experiences before that can be telescoped into a short sentence or two .
20 In much the way that curriculum development and in-service education relinquished their dependence on centralised projects and courses and came to be focused on the particular contexts of schools , so also the preoccupation of project evaluation with theoretical models and procedures gave way to a practical need to solve concrete problems of educational practice in schools .
21 Thus attention may be focused on the educational process or on the output or product of this process .
22 Applications development is being focused on the MX and RM too .
23 Eyes were focused on the new Pastoral Centre strategically placed based on Viewley Way into which an estimated 250 people were gathering .
24 Behind his Oakley sunglasses his eyes were focused on the inner drama of his own existence .
25 While Franco 's energies were focused on the military progress of the war , he devoted little attention to its political aspects .
26 It had become increasingly clear over the last few days that the anger of East Germans is focused on the Communist Party and that it can only be a question of time before the party has to relinquish its leading role and allow political competition .
27 For now , attention is focused on the first two reasons why firms invest , rather than rely purely on third-party trade .
28 Attention is focused on the strategic metals where substitution programmes are being promoted by the EEC .
29 Much of the work on parasite biology is focused on the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum but extends to other species notably nematode parasites of medical and veterinary importance and Theileria annulata , a parasite of cattle .
30 Attention is focused on the external environment and markets , rather than customers .
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