Example sentences of "be scattered [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The spirals and stars of frost on the window were stained with pastel hues , as if droplets of glowing inks had been scattered across the icy glass .
2 Old bicycles and a long-disused pram are scattered across the muddy front yard .
3 Using H-thymidine autoradiography , Deschner , Lipkin , et al have shown that in high-risk subjects , proliferating cells are not confined to the lower two thirds of the colonic crypts , as they are in normal subjects , but are scattered throughout the entire length of the gland .
4 Reaction primers match sequences in the ubiquitous interspersed repetitive sequences , of which about a million copies are scattered throughout the human genome .
5 For us , though , they are important , because if one plotted a map to show the distribution of all earthquake centres in the world for the last ten years , a large proportion of them would be scattered along the oceanic ridges .
6 Their houses , no more than huts , were scattered along the sunken tracks or half hidden in woods , or else perched on the slopes of the low hills .
7 Four yemery trees shaded the cabin and a dozen or so pines were scattered across the upper slope .
8 Although parts were scattered over the surrounding fields , the main body of the plane had landed in one piece .
9 It was a time of great British expansion and it is thought that , in the guise of ships ' cats , they were scattered from the British Isles all over the globe in a comparatively short space of time .
10 As it grows , the grass is scattered with the dusky blue and magenta petals of meadow cranesbill and , as the hay ripens , seeding heads of sorrel colour its sunset-gold with red .
11 The western part of Mordovia is scattered with the Correctional Labour Colonies that are administered by the Ministry of the Interior in the distant capital .
12 When the particle reaches the point at which the particle-antiparticle pair originally materialized , it is scattered by the gravitational field so that it travels forward in time .
13 Although it is scattered throughout the idealised version , in the original version it is confined to the first half of the story .
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