Example sentences of "be handed over [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Prisoners arrested for Forest trespasses ought to have been handed over to the sheriff of Rutland for imprisonment in Oakham castle , but Neville put them in his own gaol at Allexton , which was ‘ full of water at the bottom ’ , and bound them with iron chains .
2 After £2,067 had been handed over to the District , branches had been left with a net income of £1,492 , just one pound less than the £1,493 spent on publicity , room rents and other local organisation and administration .
3 However , that right ceases when the second copy of the consignment note has been handed over to the original designated consignee .
4 French referee Daniel Salles complained in an interview after the tournament that the top refereeing assignments in Catania had been handed over to the Home Unions referees , implying some kind of conspiracy — all of which is an absolute nonsense .
5 All this initial provision had been handed over to the Department .
6 And as the prince played a round with bubbly brunette Gillian Petrie , it was revealed that the tape , containing a veiled threat that the Duchess would flee to her mother in Argentina , had been handed over to the Queen 's lawyers .
7 It 's now been handed over to the District Council I think they should be looking at it as a .
8 It has conveniently been handed over to the training and enterprise councils , but then the Government cynically deny them the resources to do the job .
9 By October 1989 , 20 per cent of Soviet troops stationed in Mongolia had been withdrawn , and military equipment , facilities and the base at Ulaan Orhon had been handed over to the Mongolian government [ for start of withdrawal in May 1989 see p. 36657 ] .
10 The release of prisoners of war by Iraq was officially described as completed when a total of 45 prisoners-of-war had been handed over to the International Committee of the Red Cross ( 10 on March 4 , comprising six US personnel , three British and one Italian , and 35 on March 5 , comprising 15 US , nine British , nine Saudis , an Italian and a Kuwaiti , who were flown from Baghdad to Riyadh on March 6 ) .
11 The statement said that Col. Robertson had died when his plane crashed over North Vietnam in 1966 and that his remains had been handed over to the USA in April 1990 .
12 About three tonnes of gold deposited in Sweden had been handed over to the Soviet Union when it recognised the Soviet annexation of the Baltic states in 1941 .
13 Some reports in early December alleged that Arad was being held in Syria , having been handed over to the Syrian government by Hezbollah , although Hezbollah officially denied any knowledge of Arad .
14 A CHEQUE for £890 has been handed over to the National Fire Service Benevolent Fund by firemen in Downpatrick .
15 The report has been handed over to the R U C Constable Hugh Annersley .
16 But peasants also complained when what they called ‘ doctors ’ came out to inspect their cattle and sanitary arrangements , or when two peasants who had murdered their wives had to be handed over to a visiting ‘ social court ’ ( obshchestvennyi sud ) set up by a shefstvo team .
17 The procedure can , of course , easily be handed over to a computer .
18 ‘ Attention was called to the Company 's payment of £50 per annum to the Vicar of Stantonbury for managing these schools , seeing that they are about to be handed over to a School Board and it was agreed that the payment be continued as in respect of Sunday School management , but during the pleasure of the Board and to the present incumbent only ’ .
19 Lords temporal were not mustered as members of the county community : it would never have done for ‘ my lord ’ to be paraded on the village green by some Dogberry and Verges , even a Justice Shallow , made to line up with Mouldy , Shadow , Wart and the rest , to be handed over to a red-nosed , pot-bellied mercenary captain , to be abused and maybe put on a charge by his blustering subordinates , and finally
20 Alice was to be handed over to a guardian nominated by Richard , who would marry her after his return from crusade .
21 These bets would be handed over to a runner and signed with each man 's racing nom de plume , be it his nickname or any other name he considered lucky .
22 The magnitude of the NLD 's victory placed into question the validity of the SLORC 's stricture that the sole purpose of the election was to establish a Constituent Assembly without legislative power , whose task would be to draw up a new constitution before power could be handed over to a " strong " government , generally interpreted as meaning one acceptable to the military .
23 This led to doubt as to the effectiveness of the decree , which also ordered the colony 's property to be handed over to a Methodist church , even though much of it had been sold to individual members of the colony , who were not themselves to be subject to specific government action .
24 Most difficult to resolve in the struggle for jurisdiction over clerks who were charged with crimes was whether they could be tried twice , as clause three of the royal Constitutions of Clarendon ( 1164 ) outlined , first in the king 's court and then in the church court , and whether , if found guilty , they should be handed over to a civil court for the passing of the sentence .
25 In a statement the W.Midlands Regional Health Authority said they needed vacant possession for the property to be handed over to a private housebuilder for development .
26 Former Crossroads actor Stan Stennett has been told that his licence will not be renewed , and that the theatre is to be handed over to a trust .
27 Justice Desmond Windle ordered at Dublin District Court that Anthony Gerard Sloan , 35 , from Summerville Drive , Belfast , who is serving 20 years for possession of an M-60 machine gun , be handed over to the RUC at the Co Louth border .
28 In Roslavl' during March and April it was frequently noted that the public believed that ecclesiastical gold was to be handed over to the Jews .
29 Ratepayer democracy … implied less local government , with fewer services to provide since some of them could be handed over to the private sector , to the supposed benefit of consumers and ratepayers alike .
30 Reveille for the remainder was at 0600 , as the transit camp we had been living in for the fortnight had to be handed over to the next inhabitants spick and span .
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