Example sentences of "be more [subord] matched [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , the increased rate at which new patients are admitted has clearly been more than matched by the rate at which patients have been discharged .
2 At first , the expansion in student numbers was more than matched by the creation of new academic jobs .
3 This approach to the role of broadcasting in British society was more than matched by authoritative official interpretations of its duties .
4 More than a hundred Unionist MPs were usually away from the House on military service , and 125 Unionist agents served in the trenches ; the party organization was used in the war effort at no cost to the country ; every local party was decimated by volunteers who joined up in the first rush ; and at every level , the number who joined up was more than matched by those indirectly involved through recruiting , raising money , running war charities or breeding remounts .
5 When we hid a regular flow of sound , keen material and the PFF Navigation Training Unit was in full swing , we saw the steady development of tactics geared to the constant production of new and better " stores " — target indicators , hooded flares and many other innovations , all of which was more than matched by the improvement in navigational techniques .
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