Example sentences of "be discussed at a meeting " in BNC.

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1 He wants approval from the full parliament , as well as the environment committee , in time for it to be discussed at a meeting of environment ministers in June .
2 The implications of the report are to be discussed at a meeting of representatives from the nuclear industries of Sweden , Finland , Germany , France , Italy and the UK .
3 Any concerns about the proposals will be discussed at a meeting of the Environmental Health Department next week .
4 Changes in the way it 's run are to be discussed at a meeting tonight , but details are n't being revealed until then .
5 The deepening crisis over foreign imports is due to be discussed at a meeting of the EC Fisheries Council today in Brussels .
6 Mr Graham 's letter to Cheshire County Council 's environment services committee will be discussed at a meeting on Thursday .
7 But health watchdogs and hospital managers may to seek further assurances when contracts are discussed at a meeting next week .
8 Lothian Regional councillors will put forward a case in favour of a postal referendum when the issue is discussed at a meeting of Labour groups at the start of the annual conference of the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities in Dunblane .
9 The subject was discussed at a meeting of members of the Jockey Club last week and spokesman David Pipe said today : ‘ The Stewards have asked the Disciplinary Committee to review the well rehearsed arguments and produce a report in due course . ’
10 The conflict was discussed at a meeting in Osh city on June 11 between Dzhumagulov and his Uzbek counterpart Shakurulla Mirsaidov , the latter denouncing calls during the conflict by Uzbek nationalists for the areas of Kirghizia with a majority Uzbek population to be declared autonomous or even ceded to Uzbekistan .
11 Tommy Sheppard 's fate was discussed at a meeting of Edinburgh District Councillors .
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