Example sentences of "be bad enough [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It would be bad enough if I were a G P or an expert in some other branch of medicine , an orthopaedic surgeon , for instance , or an ear , nose and throat man , but I am a gynaecologist , and it is the bones of a young woman and a baby that have been found there …
2 It is bad enough as it is at the moment .
3 It is bad enough if you corrupt the man , but if you corrupt the woman , you poison the waters of life at the very fountain . ’
4 After all it is bad enough when you think you know what ought to be done , and instead it is decided to do something quite different .
5 It 's bad enough that he should get two things wrong about what is perhaps one of the best known poems in the English language .
6 Well fancy being a like that all that time it 's bad enough when you 've been out on a binge and you get that headache then .
7 so it 's bad enough if they gather them in the gathering them in the barrel like , the barrel bit , but not the sort of
8 It had been bad enough that he thought she was interested before this had happened .
9 It had been bad enough when it was only Papa and the newspapers .
10 Poor Norm 's passing was bad enough but she then found shocking goings-on at Dunraven , the Twilight Home for the Partially Confused in which her mother had been incarcerated — sorry — hospitalised .
11 It was bad enough that they were deceiving these innocent , kindly folk — did he have to do it so well ?
12 It was bad enough that she 'd fallen in love with the cold , glacial man she already knew him to be — if she were to suddenly discover a tender , humane element to his character , heaven help her .
13 It was bad enough that she should have to accept Ian 's help with farm work , but that was necessary , if only to keep Joanna happy .
14 It was bad enough that he had this damn-fool obsession with programming — if he had got his priorities right in the first place , he and Emma might have made some headway . ’
15 But damn him — it was bad enough that he be high-handed and autocratic when they were alone together — did he really have to carry it into the public arena too ?
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