Example sentences of "hear [noun pl] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Minister has heard speeches from the chairman of the Energy Select Committee and all its members , including my hon. Friend the Member for Barnsley , Central ( Mr. Illsley ) and the hon. Member for Erewash ( Mr. Rost ) , who have been privileged to listen to expert witnesses .
2 About 150,000 people attended FORD 's first legal rally in Nairobi on Jan. 15 to hear calls from the movement 's leaders for the formation of a national conference to discuss the country 's future .
3 Neither the last Capetians nor Philip VI wished to deprive the English kings of their French fief , but they intended to maintain their rights as overlords and in particular to hear appeals from the duchy in their own court .
4 Following the site inspection , members retired to the Village Hall at Capel Bangor to hear representations from the local community .
5 The Court is able to hear arguments from the parties for the exemption of the agreement from the provision of the Act .
6 I appreciate that sir , but you may feel at the end of the day that you need to hear conducts from the case and if he is still present obviously whatever the court wishes to do .
7 As we sat at the loch eating a cold lunch , deciding who could first pin the blame on the other for messing up the day , we heard voices from the cliffs surrounding the lochan .
8 At the jangle of the bell they heard footsteps from the passage leading to the dark-room , then Rivington pulled the curtain aside .
9 Finally , the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council hears appeals from a very limited number of overseas territories .
10 She heard sounds from the kitchen and she drew in a sharp breath , Craig must have returned .
11 Mr Lang heard representations from the Association of Highland District Councils and Highland Regional Council on options for local government in the Highlands .
12 Inside , I heard mutterings from a Confession box , but stifled my curiosity and hurried away .
13 I hear mutterings from the Conservative Back Benches to the effect that the Minister does return with good deals , but if one asked the British farmer , that is not the message that one would hear .
14 hear women from the region discuss the impact on their physical and mental health of war and repression .
15 But in court the Judge Mr Justice Aldous heard claims from the Home Office that broadcasting the interview would distress relatives and friends of the young men who were murdered .
16 LISS Parish Council heard complaints from a group of residents at last week 's annual general meeting about the large and out of date stage that was severely restricting activities in the village hall .
17 Members of Colchester Borough Council 's planning committee heard objections from the Dedham Vale Society who consider the buildings would create a ‘ monumental blot on the landscape ’ .
18 A journalist is someone who hears shouts from a river , rushes up and asks , ‘ Are you all right ? ’
19 The two day conference will hear experts from the Republic of Ireland and the rest of the UK discuss the problems facing bereaved relatives .
20 In the stillness you can hear calls from the hillside half a mile away .
21 At the Reception Desk , no one , but she could hear voices from a part of the room that was out of sight .
22 There was no one in the stable or the yard , but when she came close to the back door she could hear voices from the kitchen .
23 She could hear something whir and stop inside the reception desk , but most of all she could hear voices from the room behind the double doors .
24 The notice of appeal sets out a number of grounds , but before dealing with the appeal on the merits , I was asked at the outset to rule on what the nature of an appeal from the justices under the Children Act 1989 is , whether it is an appeal in which fresh evidence could be called , that is a full rehearing in the sense that the Crown Court could hear appeals from the juvenile court under the old law .
25 Judges of the Family Division will also hear appeals from the family proceedings court in public law cases .
26 I 've heard members from the other side say money does n't matter this is democracy .
27 What is clear however , is that when hearing appeals from the Secretary of State as to whether there has been a material change of use , the courts have consistently held that the question is one of fact and have declined to substitute any decision of their own for that of the Secretary of State .
28 Whatever the justifications for introducing this policy , it serves to underline the fact that sentencing in murder cases is enacted without each case being considered individually , after hearing representations from the offender 's counsel , and without a sentence announced in court and subject to appeal .
29 Once a case has reached the magistrates ' court , responsibility for granting or refusing bail becomes a matter for the court itself , but only after hearing representations from the Crown Prosecution Service if the latter decides to oppose a bail application .
30 Parliament ordered an immediate investigation into sales of state property over the previous two years , after hearing reports from the state procurator and the chairman of the Byelarus State Security Committee ( KGB ) , Eduard Shirkovsky , on organized crime , corruption and theft .
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