Example sentences of "often [vb pp] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 what I most often heard when I phoned people a couple of days in was that it 's been the worst two days of my life !
2 I 've often wished that I had stayed on and tried for university , but I was n't keen , and my family was n't the sort to encourage it .
3 The story of biblical criticism has been so well documented and so often told that I will not recount it .
4 I have often thought that I should like to push through the House a simple single-clause Bill which would reduce death and injury at a stroke : it would be to insist that road traffic operated with signals in the same way as trains .
5 I have often found that I can share problems with them as both teacher and learner .
6 I am often asked whether I approve of cosmetic surgery — and I do not .
7 I 'm often asked if I get sick of making presentations and signing autographs but I always answer by saying that the time to worry is when no-one wants me to do these things .
8 How often declared that I did not think I could possibly deserve my Pamela till I could show her a purity as nearly equal to hers .
9 We in South Cambridgeshire feel from time to time sitting on the doorstep of a university city that we are often ignored and I 'm sure that that is a very fair criticism as far as our District Council is concerned .
10 I am often congratulated when I draw a map for someone of how to reach somewhere
11 Do you know sweetheart I have often wondered since I knew about things whether a brother or sister ever did love with such a love as ours .
12 Since then I 've often wondered whether I should n't have gone ahead and simply presented him with the bill .
13 His next letter produced this bombshell — something new out of Africa indeed : ‘ I 've often wondered if I 'd ever actually have to write this …
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