Example sentences of "often [vb pp] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This model of working-class culture as pathological or deficient is often given a holistic twist and linked to notions of ‘ necessary false consciousness ’ .
2 When pupils complain that they ‘ do n't see the point of doing all these ’ , they are often given a remote justification — ‘ you 'll need it when you buy a carpet ’ .
3 To stop the foot of the column from slipping sideways , the stone base was often given a roughened top or a shallow mortise pit into which a tenon projecting from the foot of the column fitted .
4 This projection of feeling onto a structure is often given the generic term ‘ tension ’ .
5 On conventional free range poultry units , the birds are often given an open field to wander over .
6 On the Continent the arbalest or crossbow was used extensively , and crossbowmen often formed an individual armoured unit , both for defensive purposes and as a serious threat to charging cavalry .
7 Yet you only have to read Ronald Blythe 's Akenfield to realise that these picturesque , half-timbered cottages , often painted the characteristic Essex pink ( pale salmon ) , ochre or spring-leaf green , are more prosperous now than ever in the ‘ real ’ past .
8 Similarly , the thesis of Western historians that Protestant Christianity was more conducive to the expansion of science than Catholicism has often carried a hidden agenda .
9 At the very end of this volume , Julian offers a brief glimpse into the world of MIDI — often considered a dark and hostile place by guitar players , but the very life-blood of the modern , sequencer-based home studio .
10 Such accounts often contained a moralizing vengeance — as if , occasionally , there was some supreme being able to impose a natural justice .
11 But many of those arising over factory conditions and economic issues often included a political dimension .
12 JPs were for the most part recruited from the greatest landowners in a county , although commissions of the peace often included a few of the humbler type , possibly men with a legal background who were appointed to do the chores .
13 But to this assertion of the erosion of the traditional ‘ apprenticeship ’ system for musicians and of the economic harm done to some younger performers is often added a third reason for denigrating recorded music .
14 The earliest parts of the church date from about 1100 , but nonconformist groups have often dominated the religious scene : Methodists , Baptists , Quakers , Salvationists have all left their mark in buildings and street names .
15 In contrast , rugs from East Turkestan , Mongolia and Tibet often possessed a distinctive Turkoman flavour , in addition to elements of local symbolism which combined with their overall " Chinese " character to create a unique aesthetic style .
16 Home leave in the Vaterland , austere and grey under the privations of war , all too often presented a sad contrast .
17 Those who have cottoned on to the streak of genius in Brittain 's seemingly eccentric modus operandi have struck a rich vein of gold as the stable 's horses are often priced a good deal longer than they should be .
18 Many women with no desire to reject the social round and daily duties expected of middle class wives , but who still deplored idleness as the antithesis of duty , often made an explicit link between their idea of duty and their spiritual responsibilities .
19 Upper and lower case letters are often written the same , such as C-c , K-k , and O-o , the distinguishing factor here is the character size relative to the line spacing .
20 It 's often said the best way to pack for a holiday is to lay everything out you think you 'll need — and then leave half the things behind .
21 Furthermore , selective isolation of vesicles from basolateral and apical membranes has often revealed a polarised distribution of these transport systems between the two membranes ( Figs 1–3 ) .
22 ‘ Why does n't her nephew send her the money for the fare ? ’ asked Mary , one of the Sprites , who had often done a good turn for Miss Miggs .
23 I have often felt an uncomfortable sense of voyeurism over Oprah Winfrey 's machine-tooled confessionals .
24 His work has often incorporated a story-board-like element , smaller ‘ pictures ’ marching in squared-off boxes around the borders of his canvases or forming a predella-like frieze along the bottom .
25 Two hundred years ago , those people who drank substantial quantities of cider often suffered a strange disability dubbed the Devonshire colic .
26 The solid emptying plots started with a straight line section but often suffered an abrupt increase in slope at between 45 and 90 minutes .
27 Fortunately , the Historic Buildings Councils , from their inception in 1953 , recognized the special problems and significance of garden buildings and have often offered a higher than normal proportion of grant aid to secure their restoration .
28 Terrorists often used an athletic stopwatch as a timing device .
29 A hundred years ago the reports of travellers , colonial officials and missionaries were , with a few striking exceptions , amateur works which , however well-intentioned , often conveyed a misleading and partial picture .
30 The tall pines surrounding the lough often produced a mirror-like surface , and whilst it was easier to see rising fish , it was almost impossible to tempt them to take a fly , no matter how carefully presented .
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