Example sentences of "interest in [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The disposals are part of LASMO 's continuing asset rationalisation programme and include interests in producing fields and exploration acreage .
2 The petition , which was presented both to the king and the College of Physicians and referred to the archbishop of Canterbury , alleged that Chamberlen had pecuniary interests in keeping midwives ignorant so that he could take on their difficult cases .
3 Their aim was to ensure that contracts were given and policies enacted which favoured their interests in making profits .
4 Talking about it as a revolution in the wider world , and how it impacts on classrooms , there has , of course , been a tremendously increased interest in using micros in schools in the last three years .
5 I think , I think we should see it for what it is , which is a power struggle inside a ruling elite in the Soviet Union for which we do n't really have an interest in taking sides .
6 Where bureau heads are mobile within the structure of state administration they have less of an egoistic interest in maximizing budgets .
7 Have full regard for the interests of the profession and the public interest in fulfilling obligations to the employer .
8 Mr Dorrell said later that by the close of business on Friday more than 1.8 million people had indicated an interest in buying shares .
9 In the almost total absence of information there can be no interest in systematizing procedures in the manner of the Victoria Centre .
10 Preferably they should have a strong literary interest ; an interest in reading stories .
11 Workers had an interest in producing goods and higher management knew about production — how else could they have become higher management ? — and so if the two got together all the crises would be resolved .
12 Other big Japanese consumer-electronics companies , such as Sharp , Casio , Sega and Nintendo , are also showing interest in producing gadgets to profit from the blurring of boundaries between TV , telecoms and computers .
13 They , too , have an interest in sustaining levels of welfare spending ( and even existing forms of delivery ) , possibly to a greater extent than local consumers of services .
14 Surprisingly , modelling is not a career Chantelle wants to follow , expressing instead a keen interest in learning languages .
15 Those health authorities which express most interest in refining formulas by varying the factors included tend to be those which have lost out with the current formula .
16 The practical effect of it is to reduce the law 's interest in implying duties largely for the reason that public policy demands that an employee be free to work for whom he chooses .
17 Mersey Docks already operates a lift-on , lift-off container service between the UK and Ireland and the development is its first interest in shipping services from ports other than Liverpool .
18 The River Medway and the Royal Naval Dockyard ( where many of his family worked ) aroused his interest in shipping subjects , and the landscape of Kent was another childhood influence .
19 Secondly , investment analysts will be approached to investigate how they view companies with substantial R & D investments , again with particular interest in accounting practices and disclosures .
20 It may seem a contradiction in terms to assert a public interest in publishing untruths , but there may come a point at which the reliability of the source and the potential danger to the public cohere to impose a duty on those possessed of the information to alert the public .
21 No wonder his interest in swopping pleasantries with aging Americans had sunk to zero ; no wonder the prospect of the lubricious Lucy Downes proved so irresistible .
22 Because we had an interest in comparing methodologies , a second , simpler scoring system for clinical severity , as described by Costa et al , was also used .
23 My father , brilliant at stripping cars and putting them back together , encouraged my interest in dismantling bicycles , old radios , antique clocks .
24 For Paul to exercise a mandate there , he must have had the endorsement of the Roman administration , which indicates that Rome had a vested interest in eradicating Nazareans .
25 Leaders of the opt-out movement say more than 2,000 have expressed a strong interest in balloting parents on such a move .
26 Hugo had been perfectly happy to talk at length on the Margie Llewellyn Show about the days when he had played on the streets of the Bronx , and how in this unlikely setting a talent for sketching had developed into an interest in designing clothes .
27 There seems to be a growing interest in examining associations between ill health and the geological environment .
28 Only 3 boards ( 1 CSE and 2 GCE ) had an interest in researching employers ' views .
29 ‘ You think there 's someone on the Moslem side who 's got an interest in keeping things on the boil ? ’ asked Georgiades .
30 They have a particular interest in keeping practitioners of alternative therapies at bay , if they are to maintain their monopolistic position in the health system .
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