Example sentences of "change and economic [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is this relationship — between geographical change and economic change — that we are now going to investigate further .
2 Taking over as she did at very short notice when our last Treasurer became ill , she has always managed to administer the Society 's finances in an extremely capable way despite the fact that the last six years has been a period of considerable change and economic difficulty .
3 These areas have been selected to tie into other current ESRC Initiatives on Social Change and Economic Life and on the economic and political understanding in 16-19 year olds .
4 The study draws on data for six local labour markets in Britain gathered under an earlier ESRC sponsored project titled The social change and economic life initiative .
5 The study draws on data for six separate labour markets in Britain gathered under an earlier ESRC sponsored initiative titled The social change and economic life initiative .
6 An unusual opportunity to do this has arisen from the Social Change and Economic Life Initiative , which has gathered information in precisely this form .
7 This project will form part of the ESRC 's initiative on Social Change and Economic Life , which takes place in six varied localities .
8 This work complements the questionnaire-based study of ‘ Social Change and Economic Life ’ in Swindon .
9 In addition an analysis of work history data collected from 1,000 informants in six localities , provided by the Social Change and Economic Life Initiative is to be carried out in collaboration with Duncan Gallie .
10 Social change and economic life
11 Coventry is one of six localities selected for detailed study as part of the Social Change and Economic Life initiative .
12 The dataset obtained would provide a common database for the Committee research developments in Ageing , the Family , Social Change and Economic Life , and Inequalities in Health .
13 Existing theories of the way in which the labour market for such occupations operate tend to be based within a static framework , concentrating upon contributions to current output rather than to the dynamic process of technological change and economic growth .
14 Technical innovation : their diffusion and implications for structural change and economic policy
15 All the Faculty 's students will , by the time they graduate , have been trained to bring to their work an awareness of informatics as a key force in social change and economic advance .
16 According to a report in the Far Eastern Economic Review of Jan. 4 , 1990 , the political change and economic crisis in Eastern Europe had forced Soviet planning agencies to forecast substantial cuts in the amount of future assistance given to Vietnam .
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