Example sentences of "change [conj] be taking " in BNC.

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1 The state of the nation was inevitably one of the major themes of the talk on the hills at that period ; but so also was the change that was taking place rapidly in the collieries of the steam-coal areas where work was being ‘ rationalized ’ , a much-used euphemism for the cutting of labour costs .
2 The understanding of demographic trends and contemporary family patterns , the changes that are taking place and the implications for policy and practice .
3 In order to understand the nature of the changes that are taking place following the Education Reform Act 1988 , and in particular the changing role of the local education authority , it is important to reflect briefly on the nature of relationships which have been established over many years .
4 This type of alteration in the appearance of the eye goes on all day , as the animal moves from light to shade and back again , and it is so common a shift that it tends to obscure the other pupil changes that are taking place .
5 Eventually though , as you learn to trust the changes that are taking place , you will realize the real challenge is to learn how to be truly happy again .
6 After a roof-top walkabout on the terraces we viewed ‘ Towards 2000 ’ a promotional video describing the dramatic changes that are taking place at the £500m investment site of Terminal 2 , part of a complex that employs over 10,000 people ( 30,000 projected for the year 2005 ) and is set to expand with a second runway taking it from a regional role into the top 20 of world airports .
7 The changes that are taking place , especially in relation to bus passengers , are wide and varied and are becoming more important as each week goes by .
8 Is he carefully watching the changes that are taking place to ensure that the number of patients per doctor conforms with the ability to supply a good service ?
9 In view of the importance of signalling and telecommunications to the railways , would it not be sensible quietly to contemplate the proposition of an independent inquiry into all the technological changes that are taking place on British Rail signalling ?
10 Er , the other motion is of course pointing to so many of the changes that are taking place in our industrial society which prompt us into building a new union .
11 There is a need , more than ever , with many changes that are taking place , for information to be provided quickly and effectively , delivering to the point and value to our members .
12 One part of the answer has nothing to do with technology in itself but in the structural changes that are taking place in European societies .
13 Do not become too paranoid as any changes that are taking place will work to your benefit .
14 The changes that 're taking place , whether or not hospitals opt out , are changing N H S culture .
15 While recognizing the changes that were taking place Holmes described a characteristic which has survived intact :
16 In response to the massive changes that were taking place throughout Germany a whole series of patriotic clubs and societies grew up in the 1890s .
17 But with hindsight , the effects of such works can seem limited in comparison with the impact of other , more structural , changes that were taking place within British culture at the time .
18 The whole nationality question , he promised , would shortly be discussed more fully in the light of the changes that were taking place in other areas of Soviet life ; perhaps , he added in early 1988 , this could be the subject of one of the forthcoming meetings of the Central Committee .
19 The Central Committee 's Theses , adopted shortly before the 19th Party Conference in 1988 , contained the first official criticism of Soviet foreign policy in the Brezhnev and Gromyko years , suggesting that there had been too much ‘ dogmatism ’ and ‘ subjectivism ’ at this time and that Soviet policy had lagged behind the important changes that were taking place in world affairs .
20 This is not to say that it was the consequence of the rise of Fordism ( i.e. , the changes that were taking place during the first half of the 20th century in capitalist methods of production ) .
21 One of the main causes for concern brought up by the employees was not being involved with a number of changes that were taking place .
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