Example sentences of "was nothing but " in BNC.

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1 Whichever way you looked there was nothing but calm black water .
2 Her ill-humour was nothing but a habit .
3 He was nothing but glad that Britain won a war .
4 There was nothing but height ; no fence , no warning of the impending — once-off — leap , nothing .
5 Yet those are mistaken who imagine ( as , for example , Warnie did ) that Mrs Moore was nothing but a distraction from the serious business of work .
6 When there was nothing but ash he could crumble with a stick he went back up to his room .
7 When all these lights had been left far behind him and there was nothing but darkness on either side , Gazzer was still running .
8 Then there was nothing but dunes , sky , and that endless stretch of wet , glistening sand .
9 And it was during this time that he had lost his wife , lost his job , lost his sense of himself as a separate human soul , and in struggle worked out the theory that he was nothing but a sick character in the hands or under the pen of a malevolent Author .
10 What I had mistaken for affectation was nothing but concentration .
11 What I said to you was nothing but the truth .
12 It was nothing but the stench of dead , rotting rats and of bats ' dung .
13 And once they climbed so high they entered the clouds and there was nothing but a great whiteness around them as if the world had been erased by a giant rubber .
14 Then there was nothing but the river running wide and strong and dark and it was as if the highway had never existed .
15 His death was nothing but an absurd , ludicrous accident .
16 Beyond the castle there was nothing but deep blue sky .
17 This was true to the extent that he was acting out a drama of his own inventing , he was the protagonist in a play that was nothing but climaxes and intervals .
18 As I came over the brow , there was nothing but a windswept plateau .
19 This was nothing but an elaborate hoax perpetrated by her in revenge for all the suffering I had caused her .
20 Men , it seemed , were scarcely tolerated in the Jarman household and Mr Hawkins was nothing but a leftover from the days when old Mr Jarman was alive .
21 Next morning the whole village was nothing but an island in a lake of rain .
22 It would be like trying to stop a buffalo , because he was nothing but muscle , weight and bone .
23 Even in terms of his own quite awesome power he was nothing but an underling in relation to his superior .
24 Today the president , Mrs Macpherson , in between gracefully shaking hands with each new arrival and presenting her to Mrs MacDonald , decided that she was nothing but a vulgar upstart , and she trembled with suppressed irritation at having to stand in the same receiving line with her .
25 Meanwhile , she had pursued personal aggrandizement at his expense , a whisper of conscience hinted , until he had learned that he was nothing but a nuisance to her .
26 In the beginning , said Shrub , there was nothing but ground .
27 And then there was nothing but open floor .
28 Here there was nothing but emptiness and stone .
29 She said yesterday : ‘ He was nothing but scum and I hope I hurt him .
30 But , she told herself sternly , she was nothing but a foolish girl , men the like of Craig Grenfell were not for Hari Morgan .
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